Sunday, February 1, 2015

Advent Zeit

December 8, 2014

"Hallo Familie,

I can't believe that we are a week into December, gosh!  Time goes by fast.  This week was better than last week, but still can get better.
So last Monday was a pretty normal P-Day, that night we went to visit a member in the hospital.  She is doing okay though so no worries.
Tuesday we had Distrikt meeting and ate some really yummy pizza afterwards.  Wien is really big, still have yet to see any of their Christmas markts.
The week overall went by faster, I set up some appointments to meet with people so that was good.  The time is kind of rough, but I'm doing my best to stay positive and upbeat and get things accomplished.  My German has been suffering a little because I haven't been speaking it as much lately.  I want to continue doing all the little things that bring the miracles that make me feel happy and all.  A time ago in Augsburg, after General Konferenz, I prayed to Heavenly Father and made him a promise that I would never forget which way I face (second talk in the Oct. 2014 General Konferenz).  He loves to test you sometimes, haha.
The Christmas fireside is really coming along!  We got the invitations done and I've been giving them to everyone on the street.  Although I think the real success is going to come from Members inviting their friends.  I'm anxious to see how it works out!
The highlight of this week would definitely be Krampus or the Parchten lauf!!!  Some members invited us to it so we traveled out to this dorf to go to one, it was a smaller one by OH MY!!  It was CRAZY, one of the coolest things I've seen on my mission and probably life, haha.  They were really creepy and huge and had fire, AC DC was playing in the background..they have no limits.  They warn the kids before hand that only the brave ones go up to the fences, because they will not stop!  Little kids would be crying and screaming, and they still mess with them and yell at them, whip their legs!  I took a selfie with one of them while they were walking by and then he whipped me really hard on the legs.  They had fire dancers and people blowing fire while all the "creatures" were running and walking around klinging their bells to them.  I tell you it was crazy!  There were only 5 groups so this one wasn't that big (each group has about 10 creatures and a name, they have a certain look to them and they march group by group throughout the city).  The one in Wiener Neustadt has 25 groups!!! We got invited to another one on Sunday, a bigger one, but that is not a Sunday activity.  
I've learned something about myself, some people like it and others are not a fan of far as work goes and 'success,' I'm satisfied of course, but never really content, I'm always wanting to improve or find out what we can do better and then do it!
Anyways, Frohe Weihnachten!!!

Elder Jensen"

Krampus - Parchten lauf

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