Monday, February 23, 2015

Überraschung!!! "Transfer Surprise"

January 12, 2015

"Hallo Familie,

What a busy good week!  So Monday, I went to primemarkt with Elder Geilman to buy him new shirts.  After we went and ate dinner and shared a spiritual thought at the Familie Scheibstocks.  They are a less active family.  They always feed us so-o-o much and live out in Bürgenland (close to Hungary).  They've been coming back to Church so it's cool to work with them!
Tuesday we had Zonetraining in Wien.  We found out some new rules...their is a rule that we speak German from 9 in the morning to 9 at night.  I like it, I like speaking German and it helps A LOT.  
I tausched in Wien with Elder Eldredge - he is an international Elder so I get to see so much of Wien.  We taught some German.  
Wednesday we tausched back..I taught Reja that night.  We read in the Book of Mormon with them, Reja has made a lot of progress and loves the reading assignments we give her.  
Thursday we walked the streets finding people, that night we had Gemeinderat.  I love the ward and have gained their trust I feel.  We talked to them about the people we've been teaching and the progress made.
Friday we did weekly planning, then later on met with Reja again.  It went well and we used the Tree of Life vision von Lehi to introduce the Gospel and how it helps us progress down the path to the "Tree of Life" or the Love of Jesus Christ and all that comes from him.  We mentioned die Taufe (baptism) and will talk more on that next time.  That night we had Spiel und Spaß, played some table tennis and Uno.  It was fun!
THEN Saturday came, Transfer call morning!  I always get nervous for some reason.  Anyways the morning came and the calls weren't coming.  Then finally Elder Jensen and Elder Abbot called, our Zoneleaders, and were thanking us for our time together.  Then they said "we don't know what's happening with you guys, let us know when you know, okay?"  Well thirty minutes pass and we get a call from President - telling ME to pack my bags and that I'm being transferred to Singen, Deutschland.  Überraschung (Surprise), YEAH!!!  Singen is part of the Zürich Stake and close to the Switzerland Border, also close to Lake Constance and other than that I know nothing about it. There's three zones in Germany:  Stuttgart, München and Freiburg.  Now I'll be in the Freiburg zone, so I've served in all three zones in Germany.  This zone has just about all of the Black Forest, part of Switzerland and the Alps.  I'm going to be companions with Elder Meilsøe from Norway.  So now I know I have to pack my bags!  I sent out a message to everyone in the ward, they were all shocked.  I gave my goodbye testimony at Church on Sunday.  We also had 2 eating appointments, one with familie Genga and the other at Br. Pillmans.  Said lots of goodbyes and it was not fun.  I love this ward, they have treated us really well.  I hope progress can continually be made and relationships strengthened in the ward.  I'm still shocked I'm being transferred, I was convinced I would be staying..but now I'm literally being transferred to the other side of the mission!!!!  I love you all and hope you have a great week :)

Elder Jensen"

Overlooking the city of Wien
 Reja and Fam

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