Monday, February 23, 2015

New Years Fortune Cookie

January 5, 2015

"Hey Familie,

So we had to be home by 10 this New Years Eve, but we spent it with our Bishoff and his family until then and it was a lot of fun!  I got my New Years fortune from a fortune cookie at their house, it said "Ohne sie läuft wenig.  Jeder baut auf Ihren Einsatz" (translation: without running low, each builds on their use).  I thought that was pretty cool!
So this week was really good and busy!!  Oh how I love those weeks!
I had two tausches this week, first one here in WNS with Elder Richman.  It was a way fun tausch!  We worked hard together and we talked a lot, told stories and laughed.  That night we ate at a Texas pizza oven restaurant that we found.  We both love country music and they had it playing at this pizza place, first time hearing it in a long time!
We had Distriktsmeeting, it went okay.  President comes up with the plan now, so I kind of just guide it a long now.  We have a pretty small distrikt.
Then came New Years, which was a normal day.  We tausched in Wien, I went with Elder Nelson.  He's quiet but funny and a hard worker. We spent the first day just 'finding' and that night we gave out 5 Books of Mormon and we found 4 Potentials!!!  It was so much fun and we both had great attitudes!  The next day of the tausch we taught Alex.  He is from Ukraine and really cool.  I got to see a lot of Wien, it's a really pretty city.  Huge old churches everywhere!!  
Back in WNS, this week we met with Gerngyi (Hungarian frau).  We took a Hungarian member with us which was good, and we talked and talked about the comfort of the Gospel.  She needs the gospel, I can see her getting baptized.  She lives in a dorf in the middle of no where.  That night we also taught Reja too.  I love them!  They are so nice.  She said a personal prayer for the first time with us - so so cool!!!  She is Catholic and usually states memorized prayers, but we taught her and committed her to say a personal prayer...and she did it!!  Reja came to church on Sunday as well.
I really love the members here and the ward.  Transfer calls are this week, anything can happen.  The Lord knows what he's doing.
In ending, a short miracle story.  So from beginning of December I've been asking in my prayers for more opportunities to use my Priesthood and give blessings.  Well since then numerous members have come up to me and asked me to give them a priesthood blessing or help them give one.  As well as people we are teaching right now too.  In just the last few weeks I've given about 5 blessings! Shows the trust the members have in me as well, I respect that a lot and it's another testimony booster!!!

Love you all and hope you have a great new week

Elder Jensen"

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