Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love of Life

December 15, 2014

This weeks email comes right after hearing about the passing of a dear Aunt...sad news from home.


So I don't have a lot to say now, sorry.  All I can think is how grateful we can be for the knowledge we find in the Gospel.  No matter what knowledge we have or know, it does not take the sorrow away.  Goodbyes no matter for how long or how short are never easy.  "To take sorrow out of death is to take love love out of life" - and that is impossible.  The only thing I can now say is simply hold fast to the knowledge we already have.  The knowledge of our Savior and wonderful things following his death for us, mainly his Resurrection.  But until that day comes, where we will be reunited with those we love we must continue on and live the life we have now, with LOVE and GRATITUDE.  The sorrow will still be there, but continue on giving thanks to the Lord for what we do have.  Take life  one day at a time and embrace it.  LIVE IT.  LOVE IT.  Because you never know when the final goodbye here on Earth to a loved one or friend will come.  So live life with no regrets.  Never forget to give thanks to the simplest things.  Never forget to let those dear to you know how much they mean to you.  Live life so that when the goodbyes do come, and they will come, we can look back and reflect on the great times with out any regrets.  We can all give witness of how fast time flies.  A one liner in the book of Jacob that I like, says how "the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream."  So fam, let us make good memories now together.  So that one day we can all look back together, while we are sitting in Paradise, and reflect on the good memories we made together.  Live a life full of Love and I promise you - Your light and countenance will be known.  Despite the hard trials that come, the sorrow we'll go through, let us NEVER forget the hope that is within us.  Let us never forget the Power of our Savior's Atonement, his love for us.  Let us always be ready to share this hope that's in us with others.  One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible that I actually just shared with a member yesterday is in 1 Peter Chapter 3, I encourage you all to read the chapter.  But the 2 verses that stick out to me now are...

         14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
         15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the                 hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

I love you all and am so grateful for all that you all have done for me.  I'm grateful that I can look back and reflect on the great memories we've already made and excited for those that are yet to be made.  Remember our Heiland at this time.  He will heal all sorrow.  I love you all.

Love Elder Jensen

(Last week we had an awesome Conference with President and his Christmas gift to us was we got to watch "Meet the Mormons")

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