Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Roller Coaster Week

December 1, 2014

"Hallo Familie,

This week has been a roller coaster of a week and has sent us for a loop.  First let me hurry and say all that we had this week.
The Christmas markts are up and going, we saw that last Monday.  The one here in WNS is rather small, but the ones in Wien are HUGE.
Tuesday we had Distrikt meeting in Wien and afterwards we all went and ate at this world famous Schnitzle place.  The missionaries have been going to this place since it's been open so they know the Elders and love us!  We have our own little room in the very back with no smoking and they give us free fries and water, and the schnitzles are huge!!!  Then I tausched with Elder Worthan, he is a really cool guy. I can't remember the last time I've worked with someone so "similar" to me.  I have got a long with all my comps even if we are completely different so that has been good.  The next morning we went running to Schonbrun castle again, we ran to the top of the hill that overlooks part of Wien.  I like Wien, it is REALLY big but pretty.  They do a good job at keeping it clean too for how big it is.  Europe is just really good at that.
Wednesday was an interesting day.
Thursday was Thanksgiving!  We went to the Pinols for Thanksgiving, but before that, us 4 Elders met at the Church and made mash potatoes and some other things.  It was fun but really quick (he had to work).  They have no turkey here so we had chicken.  Afterwards we went back to the Church to clean the kitchen and organize our fireside.  That is when my companion got some sad news from home.  It was hard to carry on the rest of the day and week for that matter.
Friday we stayed in the apartment almost the whole day...later we went to Spiel und Spaß at the Church and then went to our Bishoff's to have our 2nd Thanksgiving.  We had Schnitzle, a lot of it!
On Saturday we went to visit a less aktiv family that lives out on the Hungarian border (the ones who brought food on Sunday).  The 23 year old son picked us up, us 4 Elders had no clue what to expect.  They told us to bring normal clothes too so we did.  When we got there they had all this food ready for us and we got to know them all a lot better.  The dad told us his conversion story and it was really cool. After a while of visiting and going on a drive we headed back to their house and all ate American pancakes while listening to Christmas music.  We had a spiritual thought and I read some scriptures from the Book of Mormon (one being Helaman 3:35) and then shared my testimony.  The mom shared her testimony after which was cool.  Anyways, they ended up coming to church this last Sunday too!
On Sunday we had lunch at the new Hungarian family, they cooked us some funky Hungarian food.  
Overall a pretty crazy week, we ended up getting transfer calls too and me and Elder Durrant are staying together here in WNS for this next transfer.
I love you all,

Love Elder Jensen"

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