Saturday, February 14, 2015

A White Christmas comes Late...

December 29, 2014

"Hallo Fam,

I'm going to keep this email short due to lack of time..and we just talked not too long ago!  
We ended up getting snow on the 26th (Christmas #2).  Snow is fun and all but not so fun to live in.  We got to shovel it all at the Church Sunday morning - before Church because the city came way late!  Nineteen years later, and my first time shoveling snow.  It was fun though!  We also had so many eating appointments this week, oh gosh.
First off, on Sunday, I Elder Jensen had Blutwurst.  That's right BLOOD SAUSAGE.  We ate at the Hungarians for dinner.  It was definitely one of the highlights of the week, haha.  It's so weird and salty...and just weird.
So this whole week to keep my mind on my purpose (not getting too wrapped up in the holidays).  I've been having some good conversations with God through prayer.  I have a list of these people that we've made contact with a couple weeks ago but they are away for Holiday.  I've been keeping them in mind and asking that we can make contact with them as soon as they get back.  It's been good because it's been keeping them on my mind even though they are gone...a lot of them are really cool too, we just haven't met with them yet.
The "highlight" though was the story about this Frau we met with on Saturday.  We really just listened to her when we met with her.  Sad and complicated story and us Elders don't get too involved with that - we just listen.  Anyways she ended up coming to Church with the member who came with us to visit her.  She said she wants to come again!  I ended up giving her a picture of the Savior that I had in my scriptures too.  She was very touched and I could tell it meant a lot to her!  So please pray for her that we can be bold and that she will accept the gospel in her life.  At first I don't think she was looking for the gospel, but she NEEDS it in her life.  I know as she accepts it she'll realize that more clearly.

I love you all and hope you all have a great week and New Years!

Love Elder Jensen"

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