Tuesday, July 14, 2015


June 15, 2015

"What up Fam?

So this last week was like Christmas...a few highlights - a suit, bikes, eating table, iPads, and memories.
I'll take you through the main events, I tried writing on my new iPad, but no wifi, so I'm copying my drafts from my mail on my iPad haha.
We had MLC this last week, the main purpose was we were getting iPads (a week or so before the rest of the mission to test them out). They were very practical.  Friday morning before eating breakfast at the hastle and going to MLC, 4 of us Elders walked from the hastle to Teriesenwiese - where they hold Oktoberfest (just empty cement property when it's not going on), and we found a swing set to do some P90X.  At MLC we got our iPads and had a little training on them, got them all set up.  They are filtered like crazy from the Church, which is good!  We also found out that Elder Caldwell and I will most likely be staying together this last transfer in Singen, then we will "kill each other on the mission" and they will most likely shut down this Zone.  At first I had mixed feelings, but I prayed about it and I think we are going to see a lot of miracles!  We set some goals and Elder Caldwell wants to get a baptism before he ends his mission, so we decided that we will be having a baptismal service here in Singen on July 25th.  With whom, we don't know yet? If it is someone we are already meeting with now or someone we will find on the streets like Br. Luu.  We will give our all to do it!  I'm excited and Elder Caldwell is way pumped, pray for miracles and blessings.
Next, we bought bikes, we've wanted bikes because it takes 30 minutes to walk to the Church and bahnhof.  Sometimes the buses don't run so we got them!  Not the best bikes but they will do.  We are taking them to Eduards today to have him fix them up while we talk.  I also bought a suit last P-day in Konstanz for sale, it's my "return suit!"
We are teaching a couple people right now, they like to meet with us but their progress is slower.  Moses comes from the Eastern part of Africa, I can see the potential he has.  The other is a mom, Blessing.  She has been here in Germany for 9 or so years.  She actually lived in Pforzheim for a while.  She is working and has a 6 year old son, Sebastian.  She came to church and said she'd come next week.  We had a little scare with her boy Sebastian thinking he was a monkey, but it ended up being okay.  We will be meeting with her later in the week and hope all goes well.
Last I had to talk in church yesterday, I used my new iPad and the topic was Jesus Christus unser Erlöser.  I wrote down a couple scriptures and bullet points and gave the talk for 10 minutes.  Eduard came to church as well!
This next week we will be traveling to kreuzlingen where Presdent will meet our Zone and distribute the iPads and take them through a small training.  We also have a tausch in Schaffhausen.
After reading a talk today, I'm excited to start making a list of all the talents, blessings and gifts I have been blessed with from my mission...and reflect on them.  That is another story for another time.  Love you all and have a great week!
"There is no returned missionary for whom it is too late to consider the lessons obtained through faithful service and to apply them more diligently.  As we do so, we will feel the influence of the spirit more fully in our lives, our families will be strengthened, and we will draw closer to our Savior and Father in Heaven.  In a previous General Conference, Elder L. Tom Perry extended this invitation: 'I call on you returned missionaries to rededicate yourselves, to become reinfused with the desire and spirit of missionary service.  I call on you to look the part and to be the part, and to act the part of a servant of our Father in Heaven..I want to promise you there are great blessings in store for you if continue to press forward with the zeal you once possessed as a full-time missionary'" - The Opportunity of a Lifetime

As a result of that sacrifice, we return from our missions with our own gifts: The gift of faith.  The gift of testimony.  The gift of understanding the role of the Spirit.  The gift of daily gospel study.  The gift of having served our Savior.  Gifts carefully packaged in worn scriptures, tattered red copies of Preach My Gospel, missionary journals and grateful hearts.

Elder Jensen"

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