Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Real Quick Note and Cuckoo Clocks

June 29, 2015

"Hey fam,

Sorry for a quick note, we were just in Triberg.  Man it is beautiful!  The biggest cuckoo clock in the world, as well as the tallest waterfall in Germany.  Cuckoo clocks everywhere to buy!  We ate at a little cafe with the Lee's.  Next Monday we are going with the Lee's to Santis. It's a mountain range in the Swiss.
This last week was a good week.  We had a finding day in bad säckingen - found a couple people and saw one of the oldest bridges in Europe. It connects Germany and Switzerland.  We didn't even know it was that old or went into Switzerland, we just walked underneath it and talked to people then next thing we know we are in Switzerland.  We knew by seeing the border patrol sign as well as a swiss chocolate shop right by the river.  
We also met with Charles a couple times this week.  He told us his life story.  What a story.  He has been through a lot, and is coming "home."  It has been really cool to see how much he is accepting the gospel, pray for him!  We also met with some other cool people this week.
This last Sunday was branch conference and we got a new branch president - Präs. Schmidt.  He will be good.
I love you all!

Love Elder Jensen"

P-Day in Triberg with the Lee's

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