Thursday, July 16, 2015

Goals in Action

July 6, 2015

"Hey Fam,

What a great week!  We were able to find 7 new investigators, some more solid than others.  We also had 6 people at church.  We had some great lessons with Charles and a few other of our friends, and a couple eating appointments.  Charles has his past but he is completely changing his life around.  We set a date with him to be baptized on the 25th of July.  He is so excited but it's a goal still!  We have a great feeling and a lot of faith with him.  He came to a taufe yesterday at the church and he asked all these questions.
This next week is going to fly by, MLC in München, temple trip on Wednesday... it's going to be good!  I love you all!

Love, Elder Jensen"

Hanging out with the Sisters, Elders, the Lee's and Doris
Celebrating the 4th of July 

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