Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Final Count Down

June 22, 2015

"Hallo family!

So I'm trying to write an email right now from my iPad and it's the hardest thing ever, still not used to it.  So part of my emails will be different for these last few emails.  I've read a few talks and thought a lot about 'the gifts of the mission.'  
This week we had a good week here in Singen.  We have two Germans in our zone serving in Schaffhausen down in the Schweiz, and we had a tausch with them this last week.  They've been having a harder time finding people so to say.  So we spent some time down there finding on the streets.  It is a beautiful old city on the Rhein river.  I ended up working here in Singen with one of our German Elders and he kind of kept telling me that finding isn't a big success..I was hoping and saying a prayer in my heart that we would find someone cool together and we did!!  We found a cool lady and got all her info and will meet later this week!
This week we also had zone training with President and his wife.  They gave out the iPads to everyone else in the mission.  I got to hangout with my good old pal Elder Plumb who has been serving in the office this last transfer. 
Other than that we met some super cool people.  We had some great lessons with Blessing and Erwin this week.  We tried to commit Blessing to be baptized on the 25 of July, she said no...which is great!  Because it shows she cares, she explained to us how it's a huge decision that she wants to feel sure.  We said we understood and will continue to meet and asked her to continue to pray.  Pray for her, that she will understand her answer.  
Then Church, oh church, so Chris and Faith (some of our new converts) brought a couple friends to church, one being Charles!  Charles is legit!  Church was a great experience, there was a baby blessing from one of the investigators/now members who the Sisters baptized a couple months ago.  Charles really liked church.  He said he felt the spirit, especially as he took the sacrament.  I was translating so I didn't get to sit next to any of them sadly.  We met with Charles this morning at Chris and Faith's place, Faith had her famous African fish spaghetti that is so spicy.  It burns and they just throw a whole fish in there, fish head bones, scales and everything.  After taking 30 or so minutes to eat all that (all four of us shared one huge plate) and watching Chris eat all our fish heads, we had a great spiritual lesson with Charles.  Faith has already gave him a Book of Mormon.  By the way, Charles is from Kenya, he gave me a sweet kenya bracelet today. Pray for him.  He just called me on the bus on the way here to the Lee's saying he hope he wasn't a hastle this morning and how he is changing his life around.  He mentioned my first name (that I briefly told him on Sunday) and he said how it's an angels name, that could possible help him.  
Love you all!"

Elder Jensen"  

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