Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Through the Vineyards

March 23, 2015

"What up Fam!

I am writing you today from Basel, it's outside the Zone, but we had to make a quick trip.  It's pretty here!  This last week was good, as always.
Monday we ended our P-day short to go visit some people and teach some people.  
This last week we had a tausch, I stayed here in Singen and worked with the DL here.  We went to the Bodensee in the evening thinking there would be lots of people to talk to because the weather was so nice - I was wrong, there was no one sadly.
We also met with Br. Luu this week and had some good lessons with him.  We eat at this one members every week with him.  He is making progress and making good friends in the Branch.
We also met with this one fam, the Seamon family.  They live in Ludwigshafen on Bodensee and have a house that looks over all of Bodensee and you can see the Alps too in the distance.  The husband is German and the wife is from Peru and they have two kids.  We played with the kids and shared a spiritual thought and ate dinner.  They want their kids to grow up strong in a Christian faith.  We will meet with them again next week.  It's a lot of fun to teach a family and doesn't happen much at all here sadly.
The highlight of this week though was going back to Offenburg!  The couple in Offenburg is going home in a week and they know this all you can eat schnitzle restaurant there (three hours away).  They invited us to come eat with them for their last time - also for my birthday! So nice of them.  Well we get to Offenburg, Elder Howarth and I (ending another tausch), and the other Elders found out we were going to eat with this couple, so they all ended up getting invited to come eat as well!  We had to take the bus out to the most random village where this restaurant is, but the bus decides to stop a whole bus stop short for no we had to get off and jog to the next village.  Up a hill and down through these huge vineyards on a little dirt road, it was probably close to 3 miles.  Haha, it was so fun, all us Elders jogging together!  Luckily we didn't have to jog the whole way, Elder Meilsøe asked this older man working in the vineyards if he could give us a ride in his work truck.  He said No, but then 10 minutes later down the road he comes and tells us to get in!  I rode in front with him and everyone else hopped in back.  We had a nice conversation as we drove along.  Anyways we made it to the restaurant and it was really good!!  So much Schnitzle!  After dinner we ride a bus back to Offenburg but it was pretty late so we ended up crashing at the Elders apartment and then got up early the next morning to head back to Singen.  
The life of a missionary is fun, stressful sometimes, but fun!  

Much love,
Elder Jensen"

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