Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Never Settle

April 27, 2015

"Hallo Family...what a week!!!

First off, wow, Elder Bednar!  So on Saturday the whole mission met in Munich to listen to Elder Bednar, Pres. Teixeira (European President) and Elder Allen (in charge of the Mission Forces of the Church).  I'm so blessed.  I was on the front row and right by where Elder Bednar and them walk in, every time Elder Allen walked in or left the room he would give me a gut check haha.  But the meeting went for 6 hours and it flew by!!  It was an open conversation with Elder Bednar pretty much.  He asked a question and we talked about it as a mission.  It honestly was over before we knew it.  He has so much wisdom, was quoting scriptures and articles back and forth, and just brought the Spirit so strong.  Hearing talks from him are a special treat but just seeing him lead our conversation and give insights was amazing!  I have the most respect for all the General Authorities of the Church.  (A reason of why they came was because the mission is getting ipads, but the meeting wasn't really about the ipads). 
Now what I love about Bednar is he always starts out telling us to not take so many notes and just listen to the Spirit and write down thoughts that come to our head (revelation).  He also greeted us in German, he served in this mission and actually spent some of his mission in good ol' Augsburg.  That place is special I'm telling you, that is where my LIFE changed, not just mission.  Here at this meeting I also got to see everyone in my group who is still out, so that was cool!  Lots of new missionaries that none of us know really, but they know us.
On the way to the meeting in Munich there were a lot of missionaries traveling on the train.  I sat on the end of a big group of them so I was outside of a lot of the conversation.  There was a lady who was looking at all of us (we kind of stand out), so I leaned over to her and started a conversation with her.  This conversation ended up lasting the whole 2 hours!!!  It was amazing, I ended up teaching her the fundamentals of our religion - the gospel of Christ and how we are the restored Church here on the world today!  She was interested.  She said she saw all the missionaries and the funny name tags with everyones first name "Elder" and tried looking the Church's name up on the internet but her phone wasn't working.  She said that we 'stood' out not just because of our suits and ties, but that we had a special glow to us, as if a type of happiness was reflecting off of us!  Turns out this lady is a pretty big judge in Stuttgart!  It doesn't happen very often that people show interest.  We even talked a little bit about career paths and she told me a little bit about her life.  We gave each other our information, I told her I would like to talk more about what I do as a missionary and what not and she said PLEASE do.  She'd like to ask some questions and would gladly talk!
What a week!  Anyways, other than that, Eduard is continuing to make progress.  A lot of progress this last week actually.  We also had quite a few people come to Church!
I don't know how many times I've said this on my mission, but I've been blessed.  I've never got trunky at all on my mission.  For most of all my mission my mind as well as heart have been in the 'mission zone' and the purpose!  I've been able to literally give myself to the mission so to say.  Elder Bednar brought me right back up to this spiritual high, being caught up in this higher purpose.
I love you all!

Love, Elder Jensen"

 Elder Dewey, Elder Jensen and Elder Oviatt reunited!

       Hiking on P-Day

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