Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Because He Lives!

April 6, 2015

"Hey Fam,

Sorry I have to keep this email short this week.  My Z's and Y's are going to be mixed up, I'm writing from an English laptop this week.  So this morning we gave the Lee's car back because we had it last week.  Elder Meilsøe has his license and we visited some random dorfs with the car.  We had a street display in Uberlingen, the little town on the Bodensee.  It was rainy but Elder Meilsøe and I had fun with it, we were dancing in the rain while our GML sung songs, and we handed out candy and 'Because He Lives' cards to everyone.  We even drew some pictures and wrote some church messages with chalk.  
Some of the little dorfs we got to see while we were using the car were beautiful!  One of them came down this hill and we could see the Alps in the background with Bodensee also in the background, and green fields and small barns.  We drove through some Swiss villages as well.
We will have to watch General Conference again, the internet connection was pretty bad.  We listened on the radio to the last session.  We had two investigators come - Andreas and Eduard.  Eduard is a deep thinker, but they both seemed to enjoy it.  Br. Luu was there for all the sessions!!  He got a hair cut as well and looks sharp!
So Elder Meilsøe goes home this new companion will be Elder Caldwell.  I don't know him but I think we go home at the same time now because I'm staying a little bit longer.  
I apologize I don't have much time this week, we have been trying to track some Elders down and "help" them out you could say.  The work is going fine.  I loved General Conference (from what I got to hear) and I sure learned a lot from it.  I loved the Priesthood session, one of the best sessions I've been too.  I went in with 3 questions and found answers to all of them.
I love you all and I'll let you know about my new companion once I get him.

Elder Jensen"

Swiss village

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