Monday, May 11, 2015

Im laufe der zeit

April 20, 2015

"Hallo Family,

Well I have no clue how much time I have left on my mission or how long I have been on my mission even.  One of my brother-in-laws gave me that advice right before I came out "never count the days."  So I haven't my whole mission!  Of course it's weird seeing my friends coming home from their missions, I wish we could ALL just stay out and then all at once step off that flugzeug.  But zum glück I still have time on my clock as a full time worker in the vineyard of the Lord!  And I honestly doubt everyday more and more that there could be a more prettier part of the Lord's vineyard to work in than my mission!
This last week flew by, starting to feel like I say that every week.  We had zone training on Tuesday, which seemed to go good.  I urged people to remember how important it is to be yourself on the mission.  Too many missionaries trying to be somewhere they are not, or stressing about expectations to meet that they make by viewing other missionaries or stories.  That's when it becomes hard to enjoy your mission and I think that's when your mission is the hardest.  I shared a quote that I have tried using while on my mission, "Become a Better You, but still be YOU."  That night we went to Zürich for our meeting with the Stake President, Pres. Blaser.  I sure appreciate him and all that he does for the Church, I've learned to appreciate church callings a lot more on my mission and witness how much time and efforts they give to the Lord.  Zürich's a pretty city, expensive city.  I always laugh when I buy McDonalds or Burger King after our meeting on the way back to the train station and it costs 18 franks for a little meal.  On the way back Sister Smiley and I talked about Markus and Alexa and Augsburg.  She is the new Sister Training leader!  
Wednesday we had Branch council, where we planned for the Invitation month of June.
Then on Saturday we had interviews and training with President.  In between all those set meetings we were able to still meet with people and teach them.  Eduard's baptism date is now the 23rd of May.  He comes to all three hours of Church in his suit with Br. Luu and Schw. Wiest.  He has become great friends with a lot of the members and has become quite involved.  He and Br. Luu are a part of the choir and he helps another member with family history.
Other than that just everyday missionary life - running from one bus to the other, going to meetings, meeting with people in between meetings, having first lessons with people we find in earlier weeks, and walking the streets of the inner city and talking with everyone about the Gospel!  We have to remember that this mission is still a "finding mission."  The key is to find out what the Lord wants and follow every little prompting.
This next week we travel to München on Friday for a special meeting!  Oh and tonight we are going to play pool with the YSA and eat all you can eat ribs.  We have three young single adults in our ward and all three are going on missions.  Elder Meilsøe and I became really good friends with all three.  We always made sure to let them know how awesome the mission can be!

Love Elder Jensen"

 Gabe's Zone
Jeffrey - a member friend

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