Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Final Call

May 4, 2015

"Hey Fam,

This week flew by!!  The last couple weeks of this transfer will go by just as fast!  Every week we have either a leadership meeting or MLC in München and tausches.  It's so much fun being able to travel so much and work with so many different people, but sometimes it can get difficult  being so long away from our own area.  It's important that we set the standard for the Zone and Mission, Elder Kearon told us a few MLC's ago - we have to set the example beyond average or even beyond sufficiant!
So this week we helped a member move just about all day on Wednesday, then on Thursday we had a tausch with the Offenburg Elders, I stayed here in Singen with Elder Hadfield.  On Friday we had a baptism of a youth in our Branch then that night we had the 'dance night' and we helped set up for that.  Saturday we got to go to the Temple!  That's right the Lee's took us to the Temple in Bern, my first time in almost 2 years.  Man I missed it so much!  
Alright the main things to talk about...
Our tausch..first time it happened to me here in Singen, we had 3 appointments fall through, but we still made it productive and went dooring a little and talked to people on the streets.  We were able to find some people.  We met with Br. Luu as well and talked about our goal of him getting the Priesthood so that he can baptize Eduard.  Afterwards we met with Eduard and the gang later that night and read in the Book of Mormon together.  Elder Hadfield asked me a lot of questions as we worked together.  We had some good conversations, I love the opportunities to work and teach other missionaries through actually working with them on tausch!
Eduard is one of my good friends, great friends.  I love him and we get a long really well.  We have a great relationship , but know that when we come to a lesson, it's "business."  He listens to what we have to teach and applies it.  He's made so much progress the last three weeks.  He has become great friends with a lot of the members, and the members enjoy him.  All the youth as well.  Br. Luu also loves him, they are best friends and always together.  
Br. Luu:
Br. Luu hurt his wrist this last week biking.  He is as happy as ever, loves all kids.  He brings little bonbons to Church and is in charge of opening and closing the doors during Sacrament meeting, and he gives all the little kids candy as they come in haha.
Wow, that's all I can say!  I love the Temple and have been temple trunky through out my mission.  It was great to be able to go, the Lee's are amazing!  The session was in English as well, the new video is great - so much emotion.  You can learn a lot there, and I had some deeper questions come through my head through out the session (I'm excited to study them out more after the mission).  
This next week we have a tausch with MLC on the  weekend.  I mean the time goes by so fast!  When you enjoy it is when it goes by the fastest.  I love you all and hope you have a great week, see you all on Sunday - Mother's day face time!  Pray we can continue to find some new solid people.

Love Elder Jensen"

                   Moving Help

                                                                                                                        Br. Luu and his hurt wrists
lesson with the "gang"
 Bern Temple visit with the Lee's
some of the beautiful surrounding scenery

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