Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Never Settle (Notes from Elder Jensen)

These are some of Gabe's notes he took from their meeting with Elder Bednar.  We wanted to share because he has some great insights and words of wisdom!

"Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect." (Math. 5:48) 
*see also 3 Nephi 12:48

"Now for the longest time I always thought that this scripture meant that we must strive to be Perfect, without flaw or sin, which is still to a point true.  We should always strive to be perfectly clean, but it is still impossible here on this world (Romans 3:23).  The other day Elder Bednar said something and it 'clicked' - of course it is still clicking because it is a continual process.  But he pointed out how there is a difference between "Perfect without Error" and "Perfect in Becoming Complete."  This scripture is asking us to strive to become 'complete' or 'fully developed' or reaching the potential that our Father in Heaven sees and wants of us..and that is POSSIBLE here on this world.  In the end we will all come short of the Glory of God and will rely on the Atonement from our Savior to save us -- but what we should do and are actually commanded to do, is to become a little better every day, become "more complete" in the course of time, gain experiences each and every day.  The potential within us is incomprehensible.  It doesn't happen overnight, it's a giant work of progress - here a little, there a little.  SO above all we must NEVER SETTLE, continue moving forward.  "Wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfected" (D&C 67:13).  We must constantly be striving to become a better us, day in and day out - always strive to become more complete. Repentance is a continual process with this, look where you can become better (doesn't always have to be where you've done wrong or made a mistake, but simply where you can improve) make a change, then DO IT continually!  Like I've quoted so often "The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become what our Heavenly Father desires us to become" (Elder Oaks).  Does that mean to become successful?  Yes.  I think our Father in Heaven wants us to become successful in all that we do - in his Gospel as well as in this Life (they should go hand in hand).  Becoming successful however does not mean becoming 'rich' and receiving 'praise from man,' don't forget the Lord said, "For a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth" (Luke 12:15).  Always remember also, unto our own strength we are weak, we are nothing..but in God's strength, we can do ALL things (Alma 26:12).  So I plea for myself that I will never settle for who I am or who I am becoming.  That doesn't mean I will be negative, unthankful, ungrateful, self-centered, over do things (Mosiah 4:27), or caught up in 'perfection' BUT that I will continue in patience day in and day out, always trying to be a little better, do a little more, striving to become more fully complete.  Becoming what I can become, reaching the potential the Lord and my Heavenly Father see in me."

*Here are some quotes I have found from talks I have read throughout my mission that go with these thoughts:

"We must expect that it will take the help of God and TIME to polish us for Eternal Life, to live with our Father." (Pres. Eyring)

"If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?" (Elder Perry)

"When selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the Power of God brings to pass his Purpose" (Pres. Monson)

"Do your duty, that is best, leave unto the Lord the rest" (Pres. Monson)

"With every step we take folllowing the Son of God, we may be reminded that we are not perfect yet..." (Pres. Uchtdorf) 

"Serving God and our fellowmen will challenge us and transform us into something greater than we ever thought possible" (Pres. Uchtdorf)

"We show our Love for the Savior by doing the many small acts of faith, devotion and kindness to others, that define our character" (Pres. Faust)

Elder Bednar's meeting

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