Thursday, March 19, 2015

Manifold Indeed

March 2, 2015

Luke 18:29-30

29.  And he said unto them, verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren (sisters), or wife (friends), or children (nieces and nephews), for the kingdom of God's sake

30.  Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.

*If you read the footnotes, D&C 104 tells us how "Manifold" means: to be blessed with a multiplicity of blessings

"Well I can give testimony to this scripture.  I read this scripture this morning during studies and it really stuck out to me.  It was just a reflecting moment of how truly blessed I've been on my mission despite different trials and ups and downs.

This week was a roller coaster week as well.  Tuesday Br. Luu sent me some long text saying how he wasn't ready for the taufe and was unsure.  Then he called and told us the same thing.  We didn't talk to him much on the phone, we wanted to see him in person and talk to him.  He came with us to an eating appointment at a members house who we had used as a joint teach before.  They have a connection both from the Asian area.  She told him her conversion story and it sealed the deal, Br. Luu was sure and positive that he was ready for his taufe!
The week went on, we used Br. Luu as a joint teach before his taufe with another investigator of ours.  Br. Luu was amazing!  He taught the Gospel of Christ so clear, it all made sense.  He was even answering some of the questions.  We were very impressed!
The day before Br. Luu's taufe he was really sick and it snowed a lot.  But it all worked out and the taufe went smooth!  We had 3 investigators there.  After the taufe and Br. Luu got changed, our investigator Andreas was waiting for him to ask how he felt.  Br. Luu was telling him how he felt lighter, how the past is truly behind him.  Then he told him it's a feeling he can't explain and how he must experience it himself!  So cool!!
Sunday Br. Luu was again really sick and was not able to come to church to get confirmed, so with Stake Conference next week he will have to wait 2 weeks now.
This week flew by like the others, the new transfer began and we welcomed in the new missionaries.  A few of the areas in our zone got shut down so our Zone is even smaller.  BUT we have 3 of our 5 baptisms now, and 7 more dates!  This next week is going to once again fly by.  We have MLC in München on Thursday and Friday.  Saturday and Sunday we will be in the Schweiz for Pfhal Konferenz.  Crazy crazy week like always.
I have also come to the conclusion that I will live on a lake, it is so beautiful!  I've been on the lake a couple times this week and all the houses we were at had the prettiest views of the lake and hills in the back ground.  The little villages on the lake are so beautiful too, old old German houses and cobble stoned streets, steep hills with the houses built up the hill.  Hard to explain but it is truly cool!  Have a great week and much love!

Love Elder Jensen"

Br. Luu's Taufe

Gabe, GML - Benji, Br. Luu, and Elder Meilsøe

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