Thursday, March 12, 2015

If Only...

February 16, 2015

"If only time could slow down...Well if only time could speed up until the spring and summer when it's warm and everything is a live, THEN slow down!
Also, if only everyone in the mission could be happy and find the joy of the mission and find their true desire on the mission.

         "Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices and choices determine our actions.  The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving and our becoming."
Elder Oaks

One of my favorite quotes!  Anyways this week was really good, sped by!!!  Wednesday we drove down to Zürich to Mission Tour with Elder Kearon.  I really enjoyed it, all the missionaries in the Switzerland area were there plus our Zone.  All the missionaries in the Schweiz are from Europe, no Americans allowed, so it was weird to not know any of them really.  It's kind of different.  But I got to see my good friend Elder Dewey and some of the other European Elders from my group in the MTC.  Elder Kearon was good, he is a really grateful man as well as spiritual!  He talked about a lot of things but one thing he expressed was "Become the Message."  I enjoyed that a lot!
MLC was fun in München, I got to see all the Zone Leaders.  Long story there but we ended up having a 90 minuted delay in Augsburg...sweet yeah, BUT I stayed on the train the whole time.  Called Markus though and had a good little talk with him.  We pulled into München late, saw the last little bit of a MTC devotional.  We were the last ones to get there.  That night we stayed in a Hastle in München, first time staying in one of those.  We roomed with the Salzburg Zone Leaders - Elder Calvin from Scotland and Elder Plumb from back east.  The next morning we had breakfast and headed to the Church for our meetings.  The message at the end was from Elder Kearon and it was JUST BE HAPPY and ENJOY the mission.  We are in the most beautiful mission in the world!
This week we are only traveling once to Zürich to meet with the Stake President and give him an update on the Zone and missionary work in the Branches and wards of our Zone.
Br. Luu is legit!  He is making lots of progress, eats everything up we give him.  I taught him yesterday after Church with our GML Benji.  Benji started crying in our lesson because of how prepared he is.  He was a little shocked and told Br. Luu how unique he is and to stay strong.  It made Br. Luu's day!  Benji is a great guy!  
Fun fact: Fastnacht is crazy here!!!  You'll have to look it up, Fastnacht around the Bodensee.  They have parties in the stores and in the streets and trains and everywhere!
I love you all and pray that we can reach our companion goal this week!  Have a great week.

Elder Jensen"

Companion Elder Meilsøe

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