Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Oh Mensch!

February 23, 2015

"Well what a week.  We stayed busy and it was a fun week.  First off I'll get the negative out of the way since it's on my mind.  I won't go in to detail but the pastor of a Frei-Evangelisch Church called me and said how we need to stop meeting with one of our investigators.  A little confused but we will still pray for them and who knows what will happen.  They were seriously golden though.
As far as here in Singen, we almost reached our goal with 18 lessons!  We've worked so hard.  Br. Luu is so prepared, he has shown me that it's possible to find someone, teach them and baptize them all in one transfer.  Our GML (Benji) will baptize Br. Luu.  A little about his story...it was really snowing on the streets in innen stadt one P-day night during work hours.  He was one of the only ones out on the street.  We stopped and talked to him of course.  We set up an appointment at the Church a couple days later, and he showed up!  We gave him a tour, taught the first lesson and set a baptismal date...and it has gone pretty smooth ever since.  We've tried to have different members at every lesson too.  He is such a deep thinker and a funny guy!
As for the rest of the week, I had the most spicy curry wurst on Saturday.  I was like shaking and sweating and almost getting light-headed! They had options 1-6 on spicy-ness and Europe's food usually isn't too spicy - so I got a lot of the 4 and a little of the 5 thinking naja it won't be that bad.  After just 2 bites I was sweating but I didn't want to waste their precious sauce.  Elder Meilsøe got number 3 so I made him try mine and he almost started crying! Man oh man, that was a little fun we had this week.  Everyday a new adventure, that's our motto!
Much love and hope you have a great week.  Please pray for Br. Luu and that we can find some more golden people!

Love Elder Jensen"

1 comment:

  1. Singen is a miracle city! Love hearing about the success that continues there since my daughter came home. Thank you!
