Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A nice week in Singen!

February 9, 2015

"Hey Fam,

This weeks letter will probably be short, but I'll make sure to add all the details.  We just got back from visiting Switzerland!  We went on a little hike a long the Rhein river to check out the falls.  It was really pretty, kind of cold but the water was so clear and blue!
This last week was great for us here in Singen.  Busy so it flew by.  Elder Meilsøe and I are working hard, it's a lot of fun.  We are teaching about 2 to 3 lessons a day and are finding new people every week.
I stayed in Singen all week which was good - nice to not travel for a week!
I went on a tausch with one of the young single adults in Singen, we have 3 of them and they are all going on missions this summer.  They are really cool and we are going bowling with them and the Senior couple tonight, Br. Luu is coming a long too!  
I also went on a tausch with Elder Hancey here in Singen too.  I enjoy him and have got to see him throughout my mission but I have never really worked with him.  We had a good day running from one appointment to the next.  He's the Distrikt Leader so I got to ask him about the distrikt and how things are going..they aren't doing too great sadly.  It's hard.  As you already know this mission is tough and a lot of missionaries do almost nothing but 'door to door.'  We wish we knew how to help some of them and motivate them a little more.
Br. Luu is making a lot of progress.  We are meeting often with him and have members come to all our lessons.  He enjoys the ward and as of now will be baptized in a couple weeks.  Please continue to pray for him!
This next week will be crazy busy.  We only have 3 days here in Singen to work.  We have appointments all lined up for Tuesday, then Wednesday morning we travel to Zurich for mission tour and to hear from Elder Kearon.  Then we travel back.  Thursday afternoon we travel to Munich and stay overnight in a Hostel.  We have meetings, MLC with Elder Kearon all day Friday, then travel back.  Saturday we work in Singen.
Elder Meilsøe and I work hard together and we are obedient and it brings blessing and miracles, I've seen it through out my whole mission. I have been blessed.   I'm excited for Mission tour and to learn new things.  I love you all and hope you have a great week in "warmer weather," take the snow away already!

Elder Jensen" 

Rhine Falls - Rheinfall

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