Sunday, March 1, 2015

Back in the Schwarzwald!

January 26, 2015

"Hi Fam,

So this week we weren't getting a hold of any of the people that usually are met with, so that was hard.  Lots of finding time.  We had interviews this week for our zone, they all came here to Singen so I got to see all the missionaries in our Zone and introduce myself.
I tausched in Konstanz this week with Elder Sanft, he is a really nice guy.  Konstanz is beautiful, as well as this place in our area called Überlingen.  Our Zone belongs to a Switzerland Stake, but most of the areas are in Germany.  
While we were on tausch Elder Meilsøe went by this family we found in the area book, from Nigeria.  Longer story with them, I wasn't there the first time but we met with them on Sunday again with our awesome GML Benji.  They cooked us African fish, in other words they throw a whole fish in the oven.  It was different, didn't settle so well with my stomach.  They are a really cool family and we will be meeting with them next week!
Next week will be busy.  We have distriksmeeting tomorrow, then we take a train in the afternoon and head to Munich to tausch with the APs.  We tausch with them one day and then take the train back the next day and don't get home until around 10 at night.  Then the next morning we tausch again with the Offenburg Elders which is a two hour train ride.  I will be working in Offenburg, which is right in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest).  A busy week!  Please pray for our investigators.  Love you guys.

Elder Jensen"

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