Monday, August 18, 2014

What's Free Time?

August 4, 2014

"Hey Family,

I can't remember the last time I had free time...mensch so so so busy!  But hallo family!!!  Hope you are all doing good.

So yes I am training.  It's weird because it literally feels like it was yesterday that I was with Elder Peterson, and now he is emailing me from home as a lost returned missionary.  My son's name is Elder Griffey, he is from Tennessee.  He is really smart, 18 years old and just graduated high school this last year.  I hope he is enjoying the mission because our ward here in Augsburg is so awesome!
On Tuesday we had a killer Distrikt get together/meeting, one of the best.  Afterwards Br. Dobmann and Stutz made us German pancakes!
Then on Thursday, after picking up my new companion (son) at the München bahnhoff, we had a couple lessons and sportabend.  That night we met one of our less actives (the one that actually came to church because his neighbor told us we stopped by to see him and he wasn't there).  He was having a rough time so we shared a few scriptures with him about Christ's love for all of us.  We got him to commit to come to church on Sunday and he ended up coming on Sunday!!!  I found a couple members and asked them if they could befriend him and sit next to him through out church, and they did of course.  
Anyways, back up to Saturday, we helped this new member move into our ward.  She lives in the middle of no where, about an hour and half away from Augsburg.  But we got to bond with some ward members so it was awesome.  I seriously love our ward, we get a long so great!
Sunday was great, it was fast Sunday.  i got up and bore my testimony about Christ and thanked the ward for everything.  Sister Smith and her family showed up to Church, that was cool and they were really nice!  M&A came to church, asked lots of questions and answered lots of questions.  We set up a termin with them and our Bishop this Friday at Bishop's house, so we will pray that goes well.  We also had a huge BBQ after Church at Dörings with the Smith family and a few other members, that was fun.
This next week should be good, we have interviews with President.  We also have distrikt meeting this Tuesday in München.  I have absolutely NO free time, between training and distrikt stuff but I believe this is when I will grow the most!  I know prayers are answered. Love you all and hope you all are doing well.

Love, Elder Jensen 
(starting to grow gray hair, spaß (joke) haha!  It's cool I really have no stress, mission miracles!)" 

Meet Elder Griffey

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