Monday, August 11, 2014

Zu Schnell! One Year Mark this Week!

July 21, 2014

"Hey Family,

Wow the time goes too fast.  This week I will be hitting my year mark!  I will be on a tausch here in Augsburg with Elder Spencer on my "hump day," the zone leader here in München.
Monday, we did our splits with members and I was with Br. Stutz and Br. Dobmann and we walked a ton!
Tuesday, we had zone training and we all wore black in our Distrikt because Sister Smith is dying (on her mission = going home). Afterwards we had a tausch and I went with Elder Hoggan to Kaufbeuren, it is beautiful and right next to the German Alps.  They have an auto down there too so it was weird driving around in a car.  It was cool though, we had a lesson with a family (mainly the dad and son). The son, Jakob, is 18 and was a foreign exchange student in Las Vegas two years ago, with a member family.  He went to Shadow Ridge Mustangs High School and played on their football team while he was there.  Well...Snow Canyon played football against Shadow Ridge High in 2012 at Snow Canyon...yeah small world!  I ended up playing against him while he was in The U.S. and here we are meeting 2 years later in a random dorf in Germany and we are teaching him the Gospel!  He became interested when he was staying with this family in Vegas who were members (believe it or not, that is how MANY strong youth members of Germany get baptized).  It was really cool, we ended up playing football in the backyard after the lesson.  The dad and son are the main ones investigating the church but the mom warmed up a little bit.  They got all my information and want to keep in contact.  They said they visit America quite often too!  I'm sad I won't be able to meet and teach them, but I'll make sure to tausch there when we are in the area and get the chance.
Wednesday, we went with Br. Herber to visit some less actives in random dorfs.  He is awesome and we had some good visits.
Thursday, what a busy day.  We went to the church in the morning and were taught how to make knoodle by Oma Kaehn - a member. Afterwards we met with M&A, with a member present.  I got to know this couple a lot better.  We need to figure out how to have them find the "truth" of our church.  They came to church though, all 3 hours, and they were excited about it!  After that lesson, we met with our Romanian family that we had found on a previous tausch.  We didn't have our translator with us and they speak zero German, so that was tough!  But we gave them a Romanian Book of Mormon and assigned a chapter to read.
Friday we ate with the Dörings and visited about St. George!
Saturday was really hot here, it reminded me of back home.  Elder Sponseller and I did vorbeis the entire day - went by various less actives on our list and a couple former investigators.  It was a good day.
Sunday, all our vorbeis paid off!  The Sisters and us had 8 new visitors at Church!  There were 4 less actives and 4 investigators.  One of the less actives was one we didn't even make contact with, we dropped by his place and he wasn't there but we talked to someone that lives by him and they told him we had stopped by.  Anyway he had the feeling he should come to church on Sunday, it was so cool.  It shows that when you just give your all and do what the Lord asks of you, he will do his part!  After Church we went to a younger family's for dinner.  They have such cute kids!  They invited a friend over too who is not a member, so that was cool.
Transfer calls are this week, we will see what happens.  Love you all and hope you all are doing great.

Love, Elder Jensen"

The Augsburg missionaries enjoying lunch on the train

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