Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ich bin immer noch am Leben, bitte KEINE SORGE!!!

August 25, 2014


"Hallo Familie,

It's your long lost son.  Wow, I can tell you I really don't want to leave Augsburg yet.
So these last couple weeks have been hectic.  Being a trainer = no free time + having a distrikt with 4 Goldens = absolutely no free time!  
Two weeks ago:
So two Mondays ago we went with the Geigers on our P-day.  It was a blast.  They are so nice and will get baptized some day.  The weather was bad, so we went go-carting.  It was a lot of fun.
The rest of the week went well.  I tausched with Elder Vital, the new Zone Leader from Romania.  We worked really well together, we went and taught our Romania family and they loved it!  We met with a less active too.  That week we also set a baptismal date with a "brother." We need to continue to have faith and keep meeting with him, we will see what happens.  That Saturday we also had a picnic with M&A and were able to answer a lot more of their questions.  Now on too this 'last' week...

On Monday we went to the castles again as a distrikt, all in our lederhosens of course.  A member came with us too.  We ended up running late due to miscommunication so we had no time for emails. 
Tuesday we had Distrikt meeting and another tausch.  Tausch was crazy!  Long story short, there was this group of people doing sort of race and they asked to stay overnight at the church.  Anyways after talking with several people (and I know it's a rule that we aren't allowed to stay the night in the churches) I told them No and they weren't too happy with me.  It was just a crazy tausch that week.
The main part of this M&A.
We met with them Friday night at the church with Br. Döring as a joint teach.  His wife showed up later and ended up staying too.  She was able to really explain the temple to M&A and she did it beautifully.  Afterwards we talked about the Plan of Salvation.  I did my homework, I drew and colored the Plan of Salvation on a paper with all these scriptures listed.  We went through it step by step.  The lesson was PERFECT!  They had a lot of questions about the spirit world but we answered them all.  I bore my testimony on our Savior and his atonement for us and how we have no need to fear thanks to him and our loving Father in Heaven.  The spirit was so strong!  I gave them the copy of the Plan of Salvation I had drawn with all the scripture references.  It was a pretty emotional lesson.
Sunday went well, we taught sunday school to the young mens.  Our topic was "temple marriage and why it's so important" to a bunch of 14 year olds.  It went well though.  Lena gave her mission talk in sacrament and it was just what M&A needed to hear.  She told her conversion story and it really seemed to help them.  Another person shared their conversion story too.  I know they want to get baptized!  It could be soon!
Pray that all will continue to work out, pray for M&A too.  Love you all and have a great week!

Elder Jensen"

 companions (Elder Griffey)

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