Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wir Sind Weltmeister!!! (We are World Champions)

July 14, 2014

"Hey Fam,
Well you could say Deutschland is pretty happy about being Weltmeisters!!! (World Cup Champs)  
Today, we are going on splits with some members, going to go by some less aktives.  This week was really cool with a lot of miracles!  
Distrikt meeting went good this week, right after that we ate Pfannkuchen, a member cooks it for us once a month after distrikt meeting. My tausch with Elder Harvey was awesome!  He is a cool kid, we talked about St. George a lot and he updated me on new stuff happening there.  Then I had another tausch with Elder Morrey and it went well too!  We get along great!  We had a lot of appointments fall through but then we went to "Haus des Gebets" odor House of Prayers with a potential investigator we found the other week.  It was awesome, haha. Long story but we got lost while trying to find this House of Prayers and ended up finding ourselves wandering through the  wilderness "shrubs" next to the train tracks in the pouring rain.  But we found it and had a good time, he saved us 2 seats on the second row.  Before hand he told us we should take off our name tags before we go in because we will attract attention, so of course we kept them ON! Everyone was nice, it's a place where all different Christians come and simply pray together however they pray, and they have a Christian band up front singing prayers and gospel songs.  It was something to experience!  Lots of people asked us who we were...and we said how we were disciples of Jesus Christ and on the Lord's errand for two years.  They loved us!  I could go on for a while about the House of Prayers, but it's a place practically preparing people to meet with us!  It's a bunch of people who love Christ and want to come nearer to him.  We met a college girl after walking out who is just starting to 'believe' again, so we got her email and will be excited to meet with her.
Tausches take awhile - especially the Tausch backs.  It's an hour there by train and an hour back, so I traveled quite a bit this last week with tausches.
Saturday we went hiking with Bishoff, his two sons and Lena (a member who got baptized a year ago and goes on her mission in a month). We didn't have a P-day last Monday, just time to do emails, so our P-day was with them on Saturday.  We went hiking in Allgäu - google it, it is beautiful beyond description!  I love our Bishoff and his family.
Now Sunday, miracle Sunday.  We met Markus and Alexa (M&A).  We went outside and a member followed and after a minute of just standing in front of the church, M&A come walking around the corner.  We greet them, talk for a bit and gave them a little tour of the Church.  We took them in for the last little bit of Sunday class, we are learning from the Old Testament so that was great!  Then we went to sacrament.  After I asked them how it went and at first he said 'different'...(they just came from visiting the Baptist church).  So we talked a little more with them and they asked some questions, said how they were visiting all these churches and in search for the Truth.  In the end we got their emails and info and gave them our number and they text us later and want to meet again during the week!  This is the Lord's work.  We just have to have the faith that they will find out for themselves that this is the TRUE church, because it has the whole Gospel. The Gospel of Christ.
Truth can be found in every church, and every church is good, but only THIS church has the full and pure Gospel of Christ.  Please pray for M&A and pray that our members can fellowship them.  Another guy has been coming to church the last two weeks, he is from Romania. He told me after Church that this is the BEST Church, the true church, the church for him and his heart.  Found out that he has met with the missionaries before a long time ago, and next Sunday he is bringing his Book of Mormon and we can talk more then!  Pray for him too!  
Overall a good week, love you all and stay strong!

ACHSOO! that was hard not being able to watch the game, I'm a sport nut!  Deutschland loves their Fußball so of course the whole city was going crazy for it!  The game started at 9 o'clock here, I kind of saw it from our neighboring apartments window but not really, we could hear their reactions though.  We were in bed by 10:30 and I was so confused because it was so quiet - usually it's pretty loud.  Then finally close to midnight I start to hear the horns and shouts in the streets, the loud booms from blanks, yelling and drunks singing, the whole bam!  A few ambulances here and there, haha, oh Deutschland! I love it!

Elder Jensen"

Hiking in Allgüa
Selfie with an alpen cow!

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