Thursday, August 7, 2014

Celebrating the Red, White and Blue in the Schwarz, Rot und Gold!

July 7, 2014

"Hi Family,
Hope you all showed your American pride this last week and had a fun 4th of July because mine was pretty awesome!
But first let us go through the week, it was a fast week as always, but a fun week.
Tuesday: We had a good distrikt meeting with our focus being on Christ and his part in all that we do.  That truly is the main purpose of all missionary work, he is the center of all that we do.  That night we were suppose to go on splits with members and have 5 lessons between the Sisters and us in Augsburg.  I went on splits with Br. Dobmann and we visited some less actives.  He is pretty funny and I got to hear all his jokes.  
Wednesday:  We did "garten work" a.k.a. moved 250-300 pound old stones.  We had to dig up the ground to find them then dig them out and move them.  It was fun and good hard manual work.  We were doing it for a member in a neighboring city, their whole house is surrounded by gardens and fields.  Funny story = the member cooked us lunch/dinner before we left and it was a pasta dish.  Anyways my companion and I swear she said the sauce was a tuna sauce, and I am not a huge fan of tuna, so I just told myself it was chicken the whole time and tried adding lots of noodles to it.  She saw me doing that and insisted I needed more sauce with all my noodles, so she flooded my plate with the sauce, haha.  Some fun times with eating at people's houses!
Thursday:  We went up to Höchstadt to visit our 'brothers', had a good lesson.  Our other appointment fell through.  That evening we had sportabend, and I was the reigning racketball champ, no biggie :) ha.
Friday:  We were ALL over town running errands for the 4th of July party that night, it was kind of hectic.  That night all the Elders in our distrikt were staying over at our place too.  They are all so awesome!  Now...the 4th of July party was AWESOME!  We had water activities, horses, volleyball, so much food and I made lots of homemade rootbeer and they all loved it!  Elder Sponseller and I were throwing water bombs at the kids and they were chasing us around.  Our whole distrikt was there and it was just a lot of fun!  Some were watching the Deutschland Fußball game inside the church too!  Great time!!
Saturday:  Went to München and met President Kohler and his wife and their two kids.  They are really cool!  He is a cool guy and has some great ideas.  They have a son who is 17, a daughter that is 14 and then another daughter on a mission in Japan.
Sunday:  Was our abendteur/adventure with Herr Gerblinger, our Grandpa for the day.  He was a former investigator and I called him Saturday night and he remembered us and said we could meet the following day.  We rode with him on the train to a small dorf called Oberschönerfeld.  They were having a markt that day and it just so happened to be fast Sunday so Elder Sponseller and I were so-o-o thirsty and hungry and we were walking all over the place.  It was fun and hopefully we will meet with him again later.
So, following up, I'm still waiting for all of your conversion stories through letter.  I know we all have one, and I know it's SO important now more than ever that we have a personal conversion.  Times are changing and things are going to get scarier soon and we already know that the church will be targeted.  It's so important that all of us are personally as well with our families rooted deep with our testimonies.  If anything write and think of how the gospel has impacted your life and the thankfulness you have.  Love you all and have a good week.
Elder Jensen"

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