Thursday, August 14, 2014

Becoming a Golden (Trainer)

July 28, 2014

"What up Family,

Another great week...and full of eating appointments!  Elder Sponseller is leaving, it was a quick 3 transfers with the 4 of us in Augsburg (2 Elders and 2 Sisters).  Our ward has called us the dream team.  They have done so much for us and I think we have helped the ward as a whole too!  From simple little things they have changed.  They go on splits with the missionaries and have invited us over for eating appointments (some who haven't had the missionaries over for who knows how long!)  They even bring us little treats!  It's been so cool to see.  It's sad to see the "dream team" split up but I hope we can keep the member excitement up with bringing in new missionaries.
This last week went well.  Monday was full of spontanious little moments that I wouldn't be able to experience anywhere else.
Tuesday we met M&A for breakfast - weißwurst, bretzles and weißbier, an original Byrish breakfast.  We had a good conversation with them, they are awesome!
Wednesday we had a good Distrikt meeting.  It was about how we are all leaders out here on the mission.  It was fun and I think it went well!  Then we tausched with the Zone Leaders for my "year mark," I was here in Augsburg with Elder Spencer and it was cool.
Thursday, M&A came to sportabend - that we hold weekly.  It was cool having them there.  Alexa (A) injured her knee though and showed up to Church on Sunday with a big ol' knee brace, we felt so bad.
On Friday we were with members all day.  We went to Donäuworth for some eating appointments and some more 'garden work'.  That evening we went on splits with some members to less actives, I went with Br. Grünnbichler.  He was baptized by Elder Bedner when he was a missionary here, pretty cool!
Saturday we visited some families and then went through the member list.  On our list we have about 400 members...but we only have close to 30% activation.  It's a story.  Plus so many members that no one knows anything about, it's really sad.
Then comes Sunday, M&A continue progressing like crazy!  They showed up to all 3 hours of church again, they get involved and speak up even.   After church we went to Bishop's house, we had to take a train and there ended up being this huge deal on the way there.  We were stuck on the train for over 2 hours, and firefighters, police and ambulances all showed up and we could see them through the windows doing something to the train car ahead of us.  Then two doctors walked through our car and asked us if we were okay...still have no clue what happened.  Anyways after Bishop's we went to another members and ate some more!
So transfers are this Thursday.  Elder Sponseller is going to the neighboring area, München and I'm becoming a Golden (training a new missionary), I'm pretty excited.  Sister Regnier is becoming a golden too!  So we will have 2 brand new missionaries in our ward now. Please pray for our investigators and pray for my new companion.  I have no clue who he is but I pick him up on Thursday!  Love you all.

Elder Jensen"

Some surrounding scenery from going on splits with a member

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