Sunday, September 28, 2014

Beauftagt von Jesus Christus...

September 22, 2014


Well...what a week.
The week was pretty focused on the Taufe (baptism)!  Our GML (mission leader) is in the hospital so we were in charge of putting the whole Taufe together - cleaning, organizing it, ect.. it was a lot of fun though!  Oh M&A, I shed a few tears today reading their emails, little do they know that they have changed my life as well.  I've never felt more comfortable with inspiration and promptings from the Holy Ghost as I have felt with them.  This whole process has truly strengthened the team and companionship between God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and me.  It's all just been inspired and truly the Lord's work, I can honestly say I know how it feels and what it's like to be made an instrument in the Lord's hands.  So much prayer, fasting, and STUDY for M&A and to see it all come to this is just unexplainable.  I love them!
So the day before the Taufe we cleaned the church and did some setting up, then we all went to go eat afterwards.  The Zone leaders stayed the night at our place and also Elder Sponseller and his companion.  
The next morning we went to the church early and filled the font!!  What a great sound!  We started greeting people as they came.  The font was all the way full and perfectly warm, then someone lifted the lever thing without us knowing 15 minutes before the baptism.  I just happened to randomly check it and the font was less than half empty!  Oh joy.  I hurried and flipped the faucet to start filling it up again, told Bishoff, but we continued on.  By the time Markus and I got into the font it was half way full.  It was all good though.  It was weird because I didn't know what to expect, but it all just felt natural.  I was really excited but super calm.  But when I put my arm to the square, looked up and saw everyone looking down on Markus and I in the font, then saying the words "beauftragt von Jesus Christus" that is a memory I will never forget!  After the baptisms we all ate at the church and had a great time.  
Sunday was really cool too, to see them get confirmed and be given the Holy Ghost.  They are awesome!  I could speak for hours about them.
The rest of the week went well.  A couple weeks ago we were asked to use an "alternate finding technique" when a lesson falls out.  So we tried it and decided to look for opportunities to play basketball.  We found a couple guys a couple weeks ago and asked to play ball with them, afterwards we told them to call us next time and we will play again and then share a message about Christ.  Well they agreed and they called us this week all excited and we set up a game for Saturday.  They gathered up 10 people and it was really cool.  We played a couple games and then we talked about the Gospel after we played.  They were cool guys and we made plans to meet up and shoot hoops then order pizza and then share our message about Christ.  Be creative when finding!  After Church on Sunday (sorry going back and forth through the week) we went over to the Kern familie, a new family in our ward.  They are awesome.  We did FHE with them and carved pumpkins.  They have 3 kids and the youngest is a little boy who is about 4, we were best friends within an hour and the parents said I already won his heart!  He stuck by my side the whole night, ha!  They were awesome and we had a lot of fun.
Overall...a great week!  Thanks for all that you guys do.  Love you all!

Elder Jensen"

Cleaning the font 
Out to eat the night before the baptism!
Reunited with Elder Sponseller
Elder Jensen, Markus, Alexis and Elder Sponseller on Baptism Day!
Church on Sunday

F.H.E. with the Kern Familie 

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