Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crazy Week!!!

September 8, 2014


YES I am staying another transfer here in Augsburg!!  I love the ward so much and all my Augsburg friends.  
This week went well, rather fast as always.  Tuesday we had a good "last" distrikt meeting all together before transfers and everyone goes different ways.  Afterward I tausched with Elder Harvey in Kaufbeuren.  
On Wednesday we met with Markus & Alexa, we went through the taufe interview questions with a member present.  The member was a big help, also a convert.  
Thursday we met with our 'brothers' in Höchstädt, then we visited Alexa in the hospital (she just had knee surgery).  After the visit we had Sportabend and played volleyball.  
Then came Friday we thought that is when we were going to get transfer calls.  We are the first ones on the list so if we don't get called by 7:30, then something is 'for sure' happening.  Well no call was coming and I was freaking out (long story short, transfer calls came Saturday morning).  Friday night we also met with a referral, gave him a tour of the Church and answered all of his questions.  
Saturday night was our fireside at the Church.  So that day we were all over the place.  Elder Griffey wasn't feeling well either so he ended up laying down inside the church while I was trying to set things up.  We had a good turn out, over 5 investigators came between the Sisters and us, 2 less actives came too, and our brothers from Höchstädt.  Lots of people to talk too, not enough time!
Then came Sunday.  We are helping M&A get started with family history work and family search, a member is helping us too.  They are so awesome!  During fast and testimony meeting, Markus (M) bore his testimony and told the ward about their baptismal date and invited them all to it! It was awesome.  Then I got up and bore my testimony and told everyone that I have either good news or bad news...and that I'm staying in Augsburg another transfer!  Got a few laughs out of it.  We had 2 eating appointments also (in one day)!  It was a good week.  
Please continue to pray for the people of Augsburg and our investigators.  Love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Jensen"

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