Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Anticipation

September 1, 2014

"Hey Familie,

This last week flew by.  Tuesday we had a great distrikt meeting, then I had a tausch like every week.  I left Augsburg for my tausch.  I've been here for about 6 months and have only left the city 3 times.  I went to Ingolstad and worked with another Golden.  
This week we helped so many people move it seemed like, one was the Döring family, I'll miss them.  We had a lesson with M&A on Wednesday, we taught the Gospel of Christ with a member present who is actually a convert.  It went REALLY well.  Then at the end came the Baptism...Markus asked about baptism.  He told us his story and it confirmed not only was his prayer answered but also mine.  He shared how he had said a prayer before Church on Sunday hoping to receive an answer while at Church on whether he should get baptized or not.  I was also praying 'that' Sunday during Church that they would receive their answer to help them make their next big step!  He got his answer but had a little bit of doubt, but later that evening it was confirmed to him!  So...after sharing that with us, he looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm here tonight to ask YOU.  Will you baptize me?"  I don't think a smile has shot across my face that fast in who knows how long, and just the biggest twinkle in my eyes.  Then I said GERNE! (meaning gladly) and we set a date and it worked great!  They realize that this is just the beginning.  There goal is the Temple, they want to get married in the Temple in a year from their baptism.  Gosh, they just make me happy.
On Saturday, we had this huge mission zone/stake choir thing for our München Stake.  It was in Augsburg.  Anyways this choir thing took awhile because we have never practiced together with all us missionaries, then we get together one day and are trying to record a CD! ha. They are trying to earn money for something within one of the wards.  Afterwards we met with M&A at the Church with Elder Sponseller and his companion.  That was great!  
Sunday went well, we taught Sunday school.  It went alright.  It was out of the Old Testament, which is hard enough in English.  We tied the lesson into missionary work and afterwards M&A said they want to bring a friend to our lesson on Wednesday.  We got a less active brother to come to church too!
Overall it was a pretty great week!
I received a text from Markus...I just have to say, their faith is so strong, and it's so cool to see the changes take place in their lives when the Gospel enters it line by line precept by precept.  The Lord's work is great and I'm so happy to take a part in it.  The gospel changes lives, never for the worst, always for the better.  Sometimes it may not make sense, especially when sacrifices are made, but the truth is we all have to be polished and made into what the Lord wants of us.  Again sometimes it makes no sense to us, but that's the miracle of the Gospel.  Then before we know it we take a look back and couldn't be more thankful for all that is has given us and all that it has shaped us into.  
Love you all,

Elder Jensen"


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