Friday, May 2, 2014

Frohe Ostern! (Happy Easter)

April 14, 2014

"Hey family!
Wow Augsburg.  It's really big!  I had a tausch here last Tuesday and Wednesday with another new missionary that is a neighboring Elder. We were both here in Augsburg, needless to say we did get lost a few times, haha.  Augsburg is beautiful though and the surrounding areas of Bayern are just rolling green hills with fields of yellow flowers.  Very pretty!  On a clear day rumor is you can see the Alps, I've yet to see them though.  We live in Altstadt which is near the inner city, there is still the old city walls around some of the city.  Lots of way old churches here too.  
I had my first Sunday here in Augsburg.  It was fast and testimony meeting, it was good and the ward is huge!  We only have thirty percent activity which is sad, and there is KIDS!  Man it's so weird.
Sportabend on Wednesday was fun, we usually just play volleyball and it's not competitive at all.  We had two lessons this week...I know that the work here will pick up, we have a lot of great ideas and I'm excited for us to put them into play.  Our area is so spread out and the city is really big which makes it difficult with traveling.  It can take about 3 hours to get to the end of our area, and sometimes a good 2 hours to get to a lesson one way, then 2 hours back. 
We had interviews with President on Sunday here in Augsburg too.  Sister Miles and he came to church on Sunday and we were going to throw them a bbq afterwards because our church owns a little grill.  So the night before Elder Sponseller and I went and got all this meat and grill stuff and got it all ready, we were so excited! Then when we got to church on Sunday we found out we had a dinner appointment and lesson with a member family that afternoon.  They were so excited to have us and had been planning on it so we ended up showing President and Sister Miles where all the meat was and where the grill was so they could cook and eat while we traveled with this member an hour or so to eat with his family.  We had a good time and the family was nice, meanwhile the Sister missionaries in our area had their own personal bbq with President and Sister Miles.
It was a good week here in Augsburg, a little weird as far as the work goes but it will pick up.  I really enjoyed my interview with President, it was our last interview (before they get released here).  I sure do love President Miles.  
Thanks for all that you all do and I hope you have an amazing Easter weekend.  I've really been able to have such good spiritual studies and "ah ha" moments this week.  I have such a strong testimony when it comes to teaching by the spirit - you know when you are teaching by the spirit when you yourself are shocked at the words that are coming out of your mouth and you learn something from what you say. This is the Lord's work and I'm just honored that I have the opportunity to be a part of it.  I love you all and pray for you all.

Elder Jensen"

Gabe and his companion Elder Sponseller
Gabe's church building
Lunch with the Sisters

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