Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Places

April 7, 2014

"What up Fam,
Not a lot of time today.  Augsburg is pretty dang big!  We live in the Altstadt (Old City) which is supposedly the oldest city in all of Bayern.  It's cool, a lot of the real city walls are still standing.  It is weird to now have sisters serving in our area too.  The ward seems really good, I haven't met all of them yet because it was General Konferenz.  Since we have such an AWESOME church building, we got to watch conference here in Augsburg.  All the other Elders came and übernachted it at our place, so we had 6 Elders staying with us in our apartment, it was fun.  They are all so different - haha.  Konferenz was AMAZING as always.  The people I've met in the ward so far seem really awesome!  It is quite funny how different it is here though, Bayern is known as the Texas of Germany - so it's practically its own little country.  Lots of people here wear their lederhosans and derndls around casually.  
We had this thing at the church towards the end of the week, in English its called something like 'day of open doors' and it's where lots of people just come and tour the church building and they have family research presentations.  I challenge you ALL to seriously look into furthering your knowledge on our family history and the church family history program.  
I fill like I will like it here in Augsburg.  I haven't really seen a whole lot of the city because we have been at the church a lot these last couple of days.  This week will hopefully be back to normal.  I'll be able to email more info next week, all I know for sure is that Augsburg has SO much potential.  There is a university here and a way nice church building.  Time to start thinking outside the box and get things really going here!  Love you all and hope you have a great week!  

Love Elder Jensen"

Some pictures of Augsburg, it's beautiful!

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