Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Special Witnesses

April 21, 2014

"Hi Family,
Today is a holiday in Germany, and we all know that a holiday literally means all of Deutschland shuts down, haha, so I am emailing from the church right now and I don't have a lot of time.  This week we were able to have one lesson in Höchstadt which is where all our 'brothers' live.  We taught about 4 of them, and one of them is a member.  It takes about an hour to get there.  
We met with a couple members this week and we met with the Achters family to give a family mission plan.  This was my first time meeting with a real family on my mission.  They have 4 kids and they are all so strong in the church and do mission work!  We also shared a little spiritual Easter message with them by doing the easter eggs with the scriptures, it was fun.  
The highlight of this week was our special meeting on Tuesday in Munich.  We got to hear Elder Evans from the Seventy and it was just our Zone.  The Munich zone has a lot of privileges, and I'm being honest when I say I've never been in a more spiritual meeting in my whole life.  I took so many notes and he is truly a special witness of our Savior.  It would be impossible to share everything that he shared with us, but he talked to us a lot about the Book of Mormon - which he didn't plan on doing.  He talked about how important it is that we have all of our investigators read the Book of Mormon from start to finish.  So true!  He went into a lot of detail and it was just so spiritual.  Again it would be impossible for me to share all that I heard and learned during this meeting!  Another thing he talked about was conversion.  Now there are some amazing conversion stories where they can remember the exact day, time or event where they were converted and found out the truth for themselves!  There are other times when it happens through a period of events and you can't recall a significant event or date that converted you but it just happened.  He compared Alma the younger where it was a specific event, and Nephi where it just happened - he believed his dad from the get go and it was built upon from himself and his own faith.
NOW this really got me thinking and I decided to think of my conversion story...I'll be honest, before the mission I had a testimony of this gospel, and I never doubted that what I did know wasn't true...But it wasn't until my mission that I experienced my conversion story.  I have a challenge to ALL of you, please write down your own conversion story, because we all have one if we claim to know this church is true. And if it is hard to recall that special witness that we are all promised we will have, I suggest you strive to receive one.  I love you all and just know that I KNOW that my Savior lives and he is looking to help us.  I am so very thankful for him, everyday of my life!

Elder Jensen"

Happy Easter!!

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