Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fast Muttertag!

May 5, 2014

"What up Family!
So we had Mission Tour this last week, and it is just like Zone Training or a Zone Konferenz but a member of the Seventy carries it out. We were spoiled a few weeks earlier with Elder Evans so it felt just like a normal meeting ha.  I got to talk to Elder Herzog at Mission Tour and he updated me on good ol' Pforzheim.  It's kind of sad "G" and Sister "E" have lost a lot of interest.
On Tuesday we got a referral from the Church headquarters, first referral I've got on my mission!  It was exciting.  It was this man that was on and wanted a visit.  Well he lives all the way north of our area and we have one of the biggest areas of the mission.  So on Wednesday we made the journey to this man.  Our train was leaving at 5 in the morning, so we got everything ready the night before...but our alarm never went off!  We left at 9 in the morning and it took 3 hours to get there from train and bus.  It was a beautiful ride though and we saw random old palaces nestled in the hills and in between little valleys and fields of yellow flowers.  We made it there and found his house in this little dorf (village) and he wasn't home!  We wrote him a note and were about to leave and I said let's klingle it one more time - and his mom pops her head our the window.  She seemed really nice but was hard to understand.  Anyways we are going to go by again later this week.  Please pray for him.
When we got back we went to help this member move stuff from his keller and we met a man riding his bike and started talking to him.  We ended up getting his information and are going to try and stop by.  Later that evening we had Sportabend and the six Elders came and stayed at our place because the next day we were all heading to Munich. (Mission Tour)
After Mission Tour we had a HUGE finding day in Munich.  It was fun, afterwards we carried out an Aus tausch and we all stayed in Augsburg.  We went and ate at this Irish Pub because one of the Elders hit his year mark.  
Saturday we were invited to this grill party from this non member with the Sister missionaries.  A little bit of a different experience but it was fun.
Sunday was a really good day!  We got quite a few possible dinner appointments for the coming weeks!
I'm staying here in Augsburg and I'm anxious for this next transfer.  We will get things going I know it!  Love you all and hope you have a great week.  We get to Skype next week!!

Love Elder Jensen"

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