Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mission Impossible meets Europe

April 28, 2014

So I'm emailing late this week because we just got done helping a member move out and paint her apartment.  This week went by pretty fast as always!  Gosh before you know it a new week begins, it's crazy how fast time really goes.  This coming week we have Mission Tour, it happens once a year and it will be in Munich.  The Stuttgart zone comes to it in Munich as well.  I don't have a whole lot of time, sorry.
On Tuesday we were about 10 minutes out of the city by Straßebahn (street rail type coasters) and we had 20 minutes until the train we needed to catch left.  Elder Sponseller and I just took off running!  We were kind of lost for a minute, but we were sprinting down and through these little narrow cobble-stoned streets surrounded by old buildings and rivers and streams (just how you would picture it).  It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of people out and about so we were trying to dodge them as we were running.  Long story short we ended up catching our train some how and we were so red faced and sweating.  Then come to find out our train had a 10 minute delay so we got to hang out for a bit while everyone was staring at us.  So that was fun, I was laughing the whole time and just enjoying it.  
We taught a couple people this week and we've been going by a lot of people from this list of names, but almost every one of them we have stopped by have moved.
Anyways I hope you guys have a great week.  Work will get going here, I know it!  Augsburg has all that it needs, now just to get it rollin.

Love Elder Jensen"

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