Saturday, November 15, 2014

Week 2 in the New City

November 10, 2014

"Hallo Familie,

So week two in Wiener Neustadt went by a lot faster then the first week.  We had an eating appointment every day but Saturday, we made sure to share a really good spiritual thought at all of them and left behind a commitment too.  That is something huge that I think many missionaries seem to forget!
A little funny story, last Monday night we were at a members and I said the prayer and she asked me afterwards if my last area was Augsburg, and I said yeahhh...she said she could tell by my accent on how I pronounced words, haha.  I guess I really did become one of them!
The highlight of the week was that we met with someone during the week, that's a step!  He is from Iraq, he speaks really good German, comes to church often I hear but has never been met with.  He is really busy with his work, but when I called him he said he's willing to find time to meet.  He is really nice and a cool guy - I know that when he truly feels the spirit and "recognizes" the spirit, he'll make progress.
So we have a lot of members from Spain in our ward - I've had a lot of Spanish food.  It's pretty good, way different than German and Austria food, and NOTHING like Mexican food.  Our GML (ward mission leader) also is from Spain.  He is awesome and speaks his mind! He speaks English with us, easier for him than German.  We meet with him every week and they've cooked us Spanish food.  His wife is from Austria but grew up in Australia and served her mission in England, so they speak English together; but then he speaks Spanish with their kids...then the kids speak German in school and at church, so they know 3 languages!  Pretty legit.
The other highlight I would say is we taught the investigator class at church on Sunday.  There was this guy there who is a 'dry mormon' (meaning his wife and son are members but he is not, but he comes to church every week and takes part - so you would think he was if you didn't know otherwise).  Anyways, it just so happens the topic was Die Taufe and it went really well.  I think it got to him, because he made a comment and then after class he walked up to the Elders and asked when they could meet that week (sadly the other Elders are already technically 'working' with him but they haven't met with him yet).
There was this other member that shared a story how he contacted the missionary who baptized him...he said how the missionary was discouraged because he was his only baptism on his mission, but this guy thought it through and realized that over 600 people were brought the Gospel through this missionary.  So cool!  
Please keep me updated family, I love you all and pray for you all!  Don't forget the daily blessings and the hand of the Lord in our day to day lives.  It's easy to go unseen, but DO NOT LET IT!

Love Elder Jensen"

Enjoying some Spanish food

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