Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Lord is Preparing People...

October 20, 2014

"Hallo Family.

Another week behind us.  Life is still great being on a mission!  I will focus on the positive things that have happened this week..
The Alps in the fall were so beautiful - leaves changing colors, fog and waterfalls!  It was a lot of fun and I sure love this part of the world, beauty everywhere to be found.
Skipping to Friday, Friday was a busy day!  We had Ward Mission Leader meeting in the morning and got to enjoy a typical bavarish breakfast, weißwurst und suße senf!  I like it a lot but it's a required taste I guess.  That night we had a HUGE eating appointment at this really good all you can eat Mongolian & Asian buffet.  It was Schw. Günter who we helped move this last month and her daughter plus another Schwester.  I tried kangaroo meat, not bad.
Saturday was also a busy day.  We helped a member pick up a piano in Munich, which took a couple hours.  Afterwards we did some studies and planning, then went to eat with another member - Br. Lidner.  He took us out to this really good pizza restaurant, HUGE pizza! That night we played some ball at the church with the group of boys we have played with before.  We showed them a video after we played and shared a spiritual thought and talked about prayer and living our faith.
On Sunday we watched the last session of General Konferenz in German.  This random member from Hungary showed up to Church and brought a friend who lives in our area, and the friend wants a Hungarian Book of Mormon and is going to come to church next week!  We met with our investigator Donkara ("D") and set a baptismal date with her for the 29 of November!  She is really cool.  Later that night we went to the Kerns familie for dinner and Familie Home Evening.  We gave a spiritual thought and they loved it.  We wanted to make it fun for the kids so we thought hard..we picked out some famous stories from the Book of Mormon and wrote them down on pieces of paper, then in teams we drew out a paper and had to act it out.  We ended with how great the Book of Mormon is and how we learn from it, we gave them all a German Book of Mormon and told them to write their testimonies in it and give it to a friend or bring back to us and we will give it out.  It was fun and Sonja was there also!  Her taufe (baptism) is this next Saturday!  She wrote me a nice letter and told me what led up to me finding her on the street - House of Prayers.  It was really cool!
Love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Jensen"

The BEAUTY of the Alps during the Fall!


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