Monday, November 3, 2014

Seek And Ye Shall Find

October 6, 2014

"Hallo Family!

Yes transfers are coming up, but in 3 weeks.  This transfer is a 7 week transfer.
This week went by as fast as the last, they just don't slow down.  Even when you pray they will ;)  I just love Augsburg and the members, but you already know that.
We had a few member appointments this last week and talked about General Konfernz.  We were able to watch it all, Elder Griffey and I woke up early and went to the Church to watch the Sunday afternoon session this morning.
Last Monday was fun.  We had a good time at the Oktoberfest.  Got to spend some good quality time with M&A!
I tausched this last week with Elder Deleeuw in Kaufbeuren, he is a cool guy.  We drove through the fields of Germany stopping by to see people.  I had a good time with him.
We met with M&A later in the week and had a lesson with them while they took us out to get their favorite döner in the neighboring village. It was a really small beautiful village with trees all around and brightly colored houses and old structure.  We got our döner and ate it at the castle looking over the village.  Awesome!
Going back a couple months...a couple transfers ago on a tausch here in Augsburg after visiting the House of Prayers, I found this 23 year old girl named Sonja ("S").  She was awesome and I remember saying 'oh she will be baptized.'  Well she showed up to Church a couple weeks later and I was so excited, she asked where Sister Smith was (it was Sister Smith's last Sunday).  Turns out that Sister Smith found her 2 months before I did, didn't have much contact with her but invited her to come to church.  Anyways, kind of confusing, but the Sisters began teaching her and we kind of have all been involved with it.  They had a taufe date with her on Oktober 11 but she moved it back to late November for some reason.  Which is far we talked about it and I told the Sisters to talk to each other and pray about it and find an earlier date.  Back to now, so they called me last Sunday to say they set up an appointment with "S" on Wednesday at this Italian restaurant in Augsburg and asked us (Elders) to come.  They said they prayed and thought that Oktober 26 should be her baptism.  We talked more about how to confront it and discuss it with "S."  Wednesday came around, we were all there talking and enjoying our food...the night was getting late and I thought 'okay the topic hasn't been brought up' ha.  So I started making huge lead ins and long story short, the Sisters said we think you should get baptized on the 26th of Oktober.  Sonja was totally excited and agreed absolutely!  The next day she met with the Sisters again and they told her to start thinking about her Taufe and how she wants it.  She told them she has already prayed about who she wants to baptize her and she wants ME to do it.  I feel honored and it makes me so happy!  Pretty cool.
I love you all and hope you all enjoyed General Konferenz as much as I did.  I can't wait to share with you all my spiritual notes and notebook I've been keeping after the Mission.  I can't explain how much I have learned on my mission and how much I have grown.  I have never felt so in line with the Spirit and Christ and our Father in Heaven more in my life!  This is the Lord's work, and when the faith is there, your attitude is right and the actions are there to prove it..his hand WILL be stretched out and you will see the Mighty fisherman himself catch his own Fish.  Doesn't matter where you are or who you are with, see it in the people, as Pres. Monson has said.  Seek to see the potential in them, because I promise you that the Lord can see it.
Again love you all and I have never had this type of "happiness" or been more content with what I am doing in my whole life.  I wish I could remain this way forever.

Love, Elder Jensen"



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