Sunday, March 2, 2014

Transfer Calls

February 17, 2014

I have no clue where to begin...this week went by fast and a lot happened.  This is mine and Elder Peterson's last P-day together so we want to go out and get a lot of stuff done.  Transfer calls came and we found out that Elder Peterson is finally making it to Austria for his last 3 transfers!  I am so happy for him.  I am staying here in Pforzheim for my 5th transfer and I'm happy with that.  My new companion is going to be Elder Herzog or something like that. 
So on Monday, a friend of Elder Peterson's dad got called to a mission here in Europe and they have been here for about a month.  They were close to our area passing through and stopped by and bought us lunch.  We got to talk to them for a bit and they are REALLY cool, I really enjoyed talking with them.
On Tuesday we had a killer joint teach with "G" and Bruder Wengert at the church.  We told Br. Wengert a head of time that we wanted to set a date this lesson.  For our lesson we went over the second part of the Plan of Salvation, which went really well.  Then baptism got brought up and he agreed and set a date for March 15!  Which was cool, but right after he voiced some concerns.  We talked about them for a while and he seemed to be taking it all in.  He is very logical, and we actually met with him again on Thursday in a bakeri because it was raining hard.  Again the lesson went well and I was pretty blunt with him on his few concerns.  You can tell he really wants to believe it all. We enjoy our time with him and he seems to really enjoy us too.  Then we had a great lesson with him on Sunday at church.  Someone bore their testimony and it was exactly what "G" needed, so that was really cool.  We watched Finding Faith in Christ and then talked about Faith.  He seems SO so close.  After church we had gemeinde essen, and it was Elder Peterson's last Sunday here, so it was sad. Everyone was so nice to us and sad to see him go!  We made Cafe Rio pork too and it turned out! Haha, ohh it was sooo good and we even had left overs.
Oh yeah on Saturday we had a finding day here in Pforzheim with our Distrikt.  It's where all of our distrikt comes here and we split up and all go out 'finding' (tracting) for 4 hours.  It was raining so hard that day but it was a lot of fun.  I went with Elder Graver, he is leaving this transfer too.  We were in charge of Nordstadt and had a lot of great conversations with people.  We gave out two Book of Mormons and the coolest thing was we ran into two people from Utah - non members and they spoke no German.  They are here for a study abroad.  They were so cool and said we could help them with their German and they have two other friends who ARE members that are coming here in the next week!  It turns out our branch knows about them!  They are the Jones', a young married couple, he is going to be going to school here in Pforzheim, and neither of them speak any German.  They are coming from Utah and we are excited to meet them!  
So it was a busy and fast week!  An eventful week you could say!  I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Elder Jensen"

Introducing the "Cafe Rio" pork!

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