Sunday, March 16, 2014

Prayers are truly answered!

March 3, 2014

"Hello Family, 
I don't have a lot of time sadly, but what a cool week it was!  This week I've witnessed a huge miracle unfold before my eyes, but I will get to that later.  
So this week went pretty well.  We had a couple of great lessons with "G."  One of the cool ones was we asked him to write down his concerns or questions on a paper then bring them the next day so we can answer them.  We also wrote down concerns or questions we may have, so he could help answer our questions, it was really cool!  His answers to our questions lined up with the Gospel pretty well!  All his concerns were dealing with Christ.  He is so close, but just can't seem to fully BELIEVE.  He loves the church, loves the branch and he loves us.  
We also met with Sister "E" twice this last week.  The second lesson with her went really good.  She kept saying how she KNOWS the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and even admitted that she knows coffee isn't that healthy (which is what really held her back last time).  I had the strongest prompting to commit her to baptism again, we weren't planning on it at all.  I turned to Mosiah 18, kicked Elder Herzog under the table and showed him where I was.  He knew instantly what I was thinking and turned there too.  I read Mosiah 18:9, said how she had the desire and then together we set a baptismal date with her for April 26.  Really cool!  
As much as I want "G" to make his baptism date, and as much as he wants to become a member, he still needs to obtain this TRUE faith in Christ.  It's so hard to imagine, because my faith and love for our Savior is beyond describable.
We met with "Kat" this Russian we found on the street the other week.  I just happened to have had a Russian Book of Mormon with me to give to her.  She is really nice.  Anyways this last week she had read what we had assigned her too in the Book of Mormon...and more! Except she HATES when it talks about wars, she showed us the chapters that talked about the wars had huge x's through them that said "krieg" which means wars.  
The work here in Pforzheim is just great, and I love it so much!  I've grown such a deep love for the Branch that I can't even explain.  I have never felt closer to a branch or ward.  The 4 new Americans (2 young married couples from Utah) that just moved here and will be living here for at least the next 6 months are truly an answer to our prayers in helping our branch.  They have such happy positive attitudes all the time, and the branch just loves it.  They got up and shared their testimonies and thanked the branch for all the love and support they have shown to them and how united we all are - despite all our backgrounds.  Our Branch President go up to bear his afterwards and said how he along with the Elders have been praying for this, and the Lord has heard and answered our Prayers - now we have 4 new members in the Branch that bring such a positive attitude and truly has helped unite everyone in so many ways.  I'm excited to see what all will happen and unfold because of them!
Thanks for all that you do!
Elder Jensen"

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