Friday, November 1, 2013

Stopped in our Tracks

October 21, 2013

"Guten Morgen!
Well just a "normal" week on the mission you could say.  But is it ever really just "normal."  I'll begin with our distrikt meeting.  We talked in distrikt meeting about finding through families.  It was a really good discussion and the spirit was strong at times.  When we talk to others about families - it builds a common ground between us and them.  A family is something that everyone is given here on Earth, even if they feel like they have a broken family, or don't get along with them, it's important to remember that in the bigger view...we are all brothers and sisters.  I would do anything for any of my sisters.  As I would for any of my brothers and sisters I come in contact with here in Germany. When it comes down to it, it's everyones main goal - there big goal - to keep their families forever.  Now here is the question, are big goals ever easy to accomplish?  The answer is a simple no.  Think back to some of your previous goals.  I think of my goal of recovering from my ACL in time for Basketball.  It wasn't easy at times, and extremely hard work, and I'll admit sometimes it didn't always make sense. But was it worth it?  You bet yeah!  Now think of our ultimate goal - Eternal Life with our Families.  Is it going to be easy?  To some it may seem easier than others but for most the answer is no.  For one thing most of these people are missing something really big in their lives that they must have to have an Eternal family - the restored gospel and all of the ordinances and blessings that come with it.  Well that is where we come in, we can help show them the tools that they must HAVE to achieve their ultimate goal of having an eternal family.  I say show because we can't give it to them.  Everyone has agency.  That's what is hard for others, others have lived a completely different life-style before hearing about the gospel.  Then once they hear about it, they have to practically begin a whole new life.  A better life.  Of course challenges will still be present, but with the tools found in the gospel anything is possible, and we can overcome any trial or hard thing in this life.
Now that I look back and think, I guess it was a tougher week.  We had 3 appointments fall out, one of which would have been our first joint teach with a member at the church.  So that was a bummer.  I know 3 may not seem like a lot but we average about anywhere from 1 to 5 lessons a week (we got 5 one week!)  This week consisted of a lot of going by people that we contacted on the streets and finding on the way.  We had 4 lessons I believe, which is still really good!
On Friday, Bruder Wängart picked us up and took us to work on this members old shed roof.  It was in a pretty area north, lots of german farm lands, hills and blue sky.  We ended up taking the roof completely off.
Sunday we met with the Ciarvellas, an italian family that we contacted on the street.  The lesson went alright and we are returning next week.  While we were there another one of our PU we found on the street showed up (they are really good friends).  He supposedly read the Book of Mormon before and felt good when he read it, but he just finds it hard to believe.  That's what it sounded like.  He said he has never heard anything bad about our church but he still has his doubts.  He wanted to hear from me, so I answered some of his questions and bore simple testimony.  But it made me be more actively involved in the lesson, it was good.  My German is far from good I still think, but I understand more and more every week and can express my thoughts more and more as well.  Just a fun little note, everyone we are teaching now are people that we have found on our own, so that's cool.  Now for the coolest part of this week...being stopped in our tracks:
It was on Wednesday night I believe.  We were in Nordstadt (north city, North of Pforzheim) and we were just going by people and finding between.  It was nearly 8 o'clock and time for us to head back for dinner.  So we walked up this hill to check on this one last name we found in the area book, but they weren't there.  We start working our way back down and we are stopped in the middle of the street at a stoplight, and on the other side is a woman, probably around 30 years old with a stroller.  But while we were at the stoplight waiting I could tell she was just smiling at us, and I smiled back, didn't think anything of it.  We are walking across the street and she is still standing there at the corner, once we get to the sidewalk by her, we just stall for a second (don't know why, but literally just stalled for 1 second).  Enough time for her to gather the courage and say excuse me to us.  She then asked if we were Mormon missionaries and we started talking.  She told us her dad had met with the missionaries a while back and liked them.  She had a 3 month old baby girl and her marriage isn't the healthiest I don't think...but she knew that our church was big into families.  She asked if we could stop by and bring her a church children's book or anything we have on families.  She wanted to meet!  It was so cool, so that Friday we dropped off anything we could find about families and a children's book and she was so happy.  She was just smiling!  We didn't end up meeting with her because we were a little late (and we need a third person with us when teaching a woman), so we have a lesson set up for this next friday.  
So coming back to the distrikt meeting this week, we discussed how we are the literal answers to peoples prayers, literally.  We read time after time in the scriptures how the Lord will make us into his own instruments, well he does!  We are helping to bring forth the work of the Lord.  He can do his work himself, we are here to just help.  The gospel blesses families, I've seen it growing up and I see it here on my mission.  That is why we must all help in hastening the work.  D&C 12:8 says "NO ONE can assist in this work except he shall be humble and full of love..." I pray every night that I can strengthen my love for the people of Pforzheim.  Despite appointments falling through, smoke blown in faces, being accused of being poisoned, being told they aren't interested in hearing our message, or doors unopened. Whatever it may be it is important to continue to love the people.  Be full of love.  Look at our ultimate example Jesus Christ, he was full of love to everyone. Missions are the best, I love you all and thanks for all the support.

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