Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wunderbare Woche! (wonderful week)

October 14, 2013

"Halo Familie!
It has been a truly amazing and busy week full of walking and talking and other missionary doings!  Beginning with Monday...same old regular P-day, I think I'm going to go "kaufe" (buy) some things.  Tuesday was zone training.  It was in Stuttgart, I really enjoy our zone leaders Elder Gibbons and Elder Horlacher.  Top Lads.  After zone training I had my second Tausch in Ludwigsburg!  The district leader, Elder Morrill, had it with Elder Peterson, my trainer, so I went with his companion Elder Peppinstock.  He is only one transfer older than me so a Golden as well.  He is a native German, doesn't speak any English, so I was forced to speak the German language for a whole day!  It was really hard and my brain just hurt after but it was really good for me because it forced me to speak it!  While on this "Tausch" we taught a new member "G" that the sisters baptized in August.  (There's a set of sisters in Ludwigsburg too).  She is an older Nigerian lady!  She is awesome!  She goes back to Nigeria the end of this month, and she only spoke English.  So I guess in Africa "JEN" means a woman and she kept telling me "Elder are not a woman...why is your name JENsen."  Then she said in Africa a "john" is a male so she called me her "JOHNson son" and she is my Nigerian Momma!  I will miss her but we will stay in contact.  She really wanted to cook us a feast before she leaves but we told her I was going back to Pforzheim the next day.  She was awesome and had a strong love for our Lord! After that Tausch I came back to Pforzheim and Elder Morrill and Peterson had a great tausch, they found like 10 new people!  
The rest of the week we had a lot of street contacting, but we do it differently now.  We just talk to people like a friend, and ask them what is important to them in this world and what is their purpose...they usually say families.  Then we begin teaching them the gospel right there! We found 20 PUs (potential investigators) this week and gave out 15 Book of  Mormons!  It was awesome!  Elder Peterson and Elder Morrill got a hold of "P" during their tausch, which is a MIRACLE!  They made an appointment too, but the day of he text us and said don't come by and that he no longer needs us.  It was a dagger to the heart.  We didn't know what to say, so I said lets pray and see.  I was still confused at first but then I came across this scripture in Alma 37, I believe, that talks about leaning unto the Lord for all our helps and crying unto the Lord.  I felt like we should share that with "P" so we did through text and let him know we loved him and we are here if he needs help.  I felt a comfort after - who knows what will happen, but I feel like he'll eventually come around.  
Friday we have our usual English course with the Russian and Roland and Bruder Kämeling.  Roland we could tell was different, he just had something about him.  Well he usually gives us a ride home after.  Usually on this car ride, he asks a lot of questions about our church, we don't speak about it at the English class.  This day he was asking all these questions about missionary work and he was really nice.  The time felt right and Elder Peterson said that we would be happy to teach him and his little family if they wanted.  He has a little 1 year old and 2 month old.  He said YES!  We see a lot of potential there as well, we have been taking it really slow with him and just becoming friends with him. So this Sunday our branch choir sang, a whole 4 people, haha.  Sadly it was just sad.  After Church, the head person in charge of the choir "asked" us to join.  We had no choice, so now we are in the Branch choir and we had singing class after church.  Our ward college started this week in Pforzheim so we gained some college students in the ward.  We had probably close to 25 members on Sunday!  We told  some members how we found a lot of success this last week and they were all really happy and supportive.  
It's gotten really cold here this last week,  I was 'European' and had on all these layers and wore a scarf.  Yes I wore a scarf, they are cool here and it was really warm!  It's really humid here so it makes it feel a lot colder.  Elder Peterson and I like to think we are chefs sometimes, we cooked us some spicy curry this week, it was pretty good!
It was a good week!  I love this mission and it's crazy how much you learn each week and how much more you grow to love our Savior and gospel.  I was truly blessed to have been able to be born into our Church.  Everyone has to make the decision for themselves if they believe or not, obviously I made my own decision otherwise I wouldn't be half way around the world trying to learn German and sharing what I love so much!  We are all so blessed!  Love you all and hope you have a great week!  Please pray for our investigators, I love you and am thankful for all the support.
Elder Jensen"

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