Sunday, November 17, 2013

First Zone Konferenz

November 11, 2013

"Halo familie crazy week I guess.  We had an übernacht with Elder Oviatt and his companion Elder Garret.  They are in our zone and live far away from Stuttgart so they stayed with us during the interviews and konferenz, it was fun.
Konferenz was great, it was on Tuesday and interviews for our distrikt were on Monday.  President Miles interviews all of us individually, and while he is interviewing all the others have distrikt meeting with Sister Miles.  She is so sweet and kind.  I love them both.  In my interview with President we just talked about how happy I was to be on a mission and how he could see my "happiness" through my eyes. He asked if I've had any home sickness and I told him how I've surprisingly not had any and he was saying how a mission is a happy thing and a privilege and to appreciate the short two years rather than looking at it as a sacrifice.  So true!  Missions are great.  
We met with "A.P." another one of our investigators, we showed him the Restoration dvd and he loved it and loved how it made him feel, he asked if he could keep a copy of it.  Then on Sunday, we also taught this lady who I talked to on the street.  I asked her "was ist den sind des lebens?" or what is the purpose of life.  She said her kids, so we got talking.  She said "it sounds too good" almost as in too good to be true.  She asked why do I believe myself?  We are asked this frequently.  But the answer I gave her simply was my family...I've seen all the blessings that my family has and how happy we are, and how we can live together forever.  She's never heard that - never even thought about living with our loved ones after this short mortal life.  We have another lesson with her next week!  Also this week we had this guy call us that we tried contacting on the street.  He told us then "kein zeit" or no time.  We gave him a pass along card and he ended up calling us cause he felt like he should.  He is really nice and wants to get more involved with religion.  
Sister "E" is still progressing, truly the Lords work with her.  We taught her the Word of Wisdom this week and she accepted all of it and committed to keep it.  We asked if there's anything we can do for her and she said "yeah convert him" pointing to her husband on the couch.  She didn't make it to church on Sunday.
As far as weight goes I've surprisingly gained zero pounds...I think.  We walk way too much and I think it helps that we don't have any eating appointments really, haha.  There is only three car areas in our Mission.  The language is coming, I can understand a lot of what I read now or understand what it is kind of saying at least.  Now I just need to really try and imply what I know.  Love you all.

Liebe, Elder Jensen"

Gabe with President & Sister Miles
Zone Conference

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