Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 Dezember 2013

October 28, 2013

"Guten Morgen Familie!
So what a crazy week!  We helped the Dierks family move on Saturday.  I truly love that family so much! haha We went with Bruder Wengart, got there at nine in the morning and worked until seven at night, no lunch break.  They live on the 3rd or 4th story of there building in Pforzheim and really narrow stairs.  It wasn't the easiest thing ever, but we did it.  They were moving  to this small town in Schwarzwald, so we helped them drop everything off and set up all the beds.  The kids remembered me!  It's hard to see progress with the language but I could actually communicate with them and make them laugh this time.  I hope we can meet with them again.  We met this guy "J" there who was really cool, he helped move.  I was walking and helping carry something down with him and he was pretty much baring testimony to me how the one thing he doesn't like about Germany is that they don't really believe in God and how everyone MUST believe in God.  He gave us his info afterwards and said he wants to meet with us so we'll go by him later this week.
Our appointment fell through with "M" (the lady we found last week under the street-light), her daughter was sick I guess so she couldn't meet.  We were sad about that.  On Sunday we met a guy "T.S." who came to church.  He's a member and was baptized in 2000 and he is AMERICAN.  He was in America the last 6 weeks, in Utah at General Konferenz.  He and some other mormons are starting this new business called O.U.R. Operation, Underground, Railroad.  They help bring kids out of poor countries.  He married a non member here in Germany, and missionaries have met with her before but nothing has happened.  She's never had a religion in her life so she believes she doesn't need it cause she's done fine thus far.  That's what it sounds like.  Well "T.S." gave us a ride home from church on Sunday  and said whatever we need, whenever just call him and he'll be our man!  When we got home he called us and asked when we wanted to come over.  So this Thursday, which is Halloween, which Germany doesn't celebrate, we will be going over and eating TACO BELL, American food!  I'm really excited, and giving a little message to his wife which I am just as excited for!
So we were walking back after trying to stop by a PU, it was late and a long walk.  Then out of nowhere this kid ran out of the house and started talking to us.  Kids never talk to us, haha.  Then there was this lady, "E", just waiting and smiling at us, so we said Halo we speak about Jesus.  She was interested, so we went to see her the next day and she wasn't there but her husband was, he spoke a little English. Well "E" finally came in around nine and we sat and talked to her for a bit.  She told us about her last two weeks and then running into us...we returned the next day at eight and started teaching her.  She finished the chapter we began reading the day before, and three other chapters!  It was all making sense to her.  We then read from Mosiah 18, bore testimony and then I asked, "Werden Sie sich Taufen lassen?"  She looked up and said yes!  Long story short, we bore testimonies and then set a baptismal date for Dezember 7th!!!  This was on Oktober 24, exactly my three month mark, really cool!  The Lord has truly been preparing her!  We were just the tools.  She didn't come to church on Sunday though, she walks to church and it got really windy so she never showed up.  We will call her tonight!  But she has a Taufe Date and she's really prepared and ready.  She keeps telling us that it just makes sense to her now and how she feels good!  If all works out she will enter the waters, so cool!
Other fun facts this week, I made this ultimate burger with cheese in the middle (like we used to Dad).  It was so good!  We met "T.S.", set a baptismal date, and then a lot of other appointments fell through so that was kind of sad but it will pick up.  I have so much more I want to say but little time, sorry.  Just know I love it here and that I'm starting to love the people more and more everyday.  And that I express my mind a LITTLE more each day.  LITTLE though.  I understand more than I can speak.  When it's written down it's easier to understand.  But yeah it's all good.  I love you all and hope you're all doing well.  I love the hour we have each day for personal study, and as I study for myself, it turns into study for those we will teach.  When I read a scripture I can't help but just think of how much it would help one of our untersuchers or how that's what they need to hear, and in return it strengthens my testimony!  They are always on my mind.  
Love you all
Bis nächste Wolche"

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