Sunday, October 13, 2013

General Konferenz!

October 7, 2013

"Hey Fam,
This week has gone by pretty slow waiting for General Konferenz and trying to find people to teach.  General Konferenz was amazing and I hope you all listen to what they told us!  The Lord is TRULY HASTENING HIS WORK!  I get to witness it everyday, and you guys do too!  I hope we all listen to what Elder Ballard challenged us to do...even though St. George is mostly members of the church, reach out to just 1 person from now until Christmas and MILLIONS will feel the pure love of Christ.  I wish to share with you all the notes I took from General Konferenz because this one was really neat as a missionary, but not enough time.  No worries though I'll let you all read them - in 22 months, haha.
So this week... 
Monday was P-day, normal P-day, we ate at KFC, best KFC I've had and they had ICE!  We looked at european suits in this factory store for most of the day, then we went to "M's" house for FHE and had german pancakes.  
Tuesday was District meeting, we meet in Stuttgart so it takes up most of the day.  
Wednesday we met with "J", the less active who lives in Calw, we went over the Familie Proklamation to the World, she really enjoyed that and really believed it, she has two little kids of her own. 
Thursday.  Thursday was just a tough day.  It was a national holiday here in Deutschland, so the whole town and city pretty much shuts down.  We had lunch in Königsbach with a couple from the ward.  We gave them the sacrament and then shared a message on the spot about how infant baptism isn't needed, all children are perfect in God.  I told them how it was my nephews birthday today and he is turning 8 and so excited to get baptized and how big of a deal baptism is.  They fed us lunch and showed us their little garden and had me pick their apples since I'm tall.  That went well but we still had the rest of the day, all our other appointments for that day had been cancelled.  All the stores were closed and no one was out on the streets to even street contact.  So we had to go "klingling" or door knocking, which is not that successful, especially here in Germany.  With not a single person giving us a chance to come in or say more than one sentence I was loosing my faith.  Nothing was going good, when we door knock it makes us sound like we are trying to sell a free book called the Book of Mormon, but we are doing so much more than that.  After hours of that with no success it was time to come home, I came home and opened that picture of Jesus with a light and mom's little note that said "keep the faith going..." it was just what I needed and it's hanging up on my desk.  It meant the world to me that day!  
Friday is weekly planning, so that takes up most of the day.  We called "P" cause we haven't met with him for over a week, he hasn't been feeling "good." He told us how he wants to take a little break and hung up on us.  It was devastating, but we cannot get devastated.  We just need to pray that his heart will be softened again and he will realize he needs this gospel in his life.  Later that night we drove to Stuttgart on the Autobahn with two members to set up all the chairs for General Konferenz the next two days.  There were 5 of us and the chairs had to be set up perfectly so it took us about two hours.  On the way home I asked one of the Bruders what he knew about the Dierks family (the family with all the kids we ran into on a previous week).  I remember reading in the record book how he helped joint teach them in the years he told us what he knew and we told them how we were helping them move later this month, so now he is willing to help with that!  
Saturday and Sunday we spent watching Konferenz.  Saturday we watched the morning session live in the afternoon, then Sunday we watched the Priesthood session in the morning, the Saturday afternoon session in the afternoon, and then the Sunday moring session live in the evening.  It was all great!!
Yeah, it was a slower week, we only found 2 Potential Investigators.  But this next week is bound to be better.  I love you all and hope you are all doing great!  
Bis Spater"

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