Tuesday, October 1, 2013


September 30, 2013

"Halo Familie! 
Another week already, crazy!!  So this week I entered the Black Forest for my first time...and second...and third!  On Wednesday we had an appointment with a less active member who lives in the town of Calw.  It's a little town deeper into the Black Forest!  It was the prettiest ride on the sbahn or train.  We went through all these tunnels and it would be pitch black then you would come out on the other side and there was just a huge opening of valley and hills with trees and streams!  One of the prettiest rides I've ever been on!  Calw is an older german town and the person we were going to teach lived up on the top hill - where there is more green fields and hills without trees.  We taught "J" and she had a good testimony.  She believed in the Book of Mormon, believed in Joseph Smith and that God knows us, but she has a problem with the Church standards.  That's really hard to teach.  She shared some personal stories with us and afterwards me and my companion were talking how if you have a real testimony of Christ and the Book of Mormon, you just begin to know that the Church standards are of Christ.  We have some scriptures and topics we'll teach her next week. 
The next day we had to help a ward member pack up and move.  It was a long day of moving and heavy lifting!  He lived in Bad Wildbad, a BEAUTIFUL stadt in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest).  We drove there with Präsident Setner, Bishop and the 1st Counsilor on the Autobahn through the Schwarzwald.  I didn't know which to enjoy more - the beautiful scenery out the window or the crazy drive there, as fast as you can possibly drive around all these windy roads through the forest!  It was about an hour drive.  The next day we returned to Bad Wildbad but on the other side of town.  It was the most beautiful little city.  It's where a lot of older people live.  There was a clear water river running through the town, then an alley of trees.  Rolling hills with houses scattered and different patches of trees changing colors.  It was really pretty!  Well we went here searching for "M", this man who came running up to us about two weeks ago in Pforzheim.  We had his "address" but it just wasn't there...we found the street and everything - but no house.  We called his mom, because that is the number he gave us and she said she didn't know where he lived and that she didn't have his number.  We were a little confused because people don't usually run up to us.  So after searching for "M" for 2 hours we came down the hill and worked our way back into main town to catch the little trolley back to Pforzheim.  So yeah, this last week I went to the Black Forest three different times, three different ways and they were all pretty!
The coolest thing, I found the local Basketball gym, haha!  We stopped and watched for a little bit - two german clubs playing.  They weren't bad athletes and varied in ages from 18-50.  Some of them had really good shots and could even dunk, especially this one, he jumped out of the gym!  I was so tempted to play with them.  They had a mini Oktoberfest down the main street here in Pforzheim this week, roasted pig, beer everywhere, and everyone in there lederhosens!  It was really crowded.
This week I was really thinking about what truly separates me from all the other 18 year olds we come in contact with.  There was a nice 18 year old who wasn't a member who helped us move on Thursday.  I thought of many things, but the one I studied more was the Priesthood. The Priesthood is such a great thing we have been blessed with.  We all know the just of Priesthood and what it is, but I wanted to know more about Melchizedek.  So I found out as much as I could about this great man that we call this great priesthood, which it's real name is The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God.  He was a really amazing guy that I can't wait to meet someday.  I am really excited for General Konferz this week!!  WE GET TO HEAR FROM THE PROPHET!  We watch it in the Stuttgart Stake Center.  Everynight I have tried to read a previous talk from the past General Konferz  I strongly suggest you all read the talk: "Of Regrets and Resolutions" by Uchtdorf, it is really good! We found 11 PUs, or potential untersuchers/potential investigators.  That is really good for this mission!  
I love you all and hope you are all doing well."

Old church in Calw
 Bad Wildbad river
Bad Wildbad church
On top of the hill (Black Forest)
Searching for "M"
basketball gym in Pforzheim

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