Friday, February 7, 2014


January 27, 2014

Translation:  Zwölf = twelve 

"Halo meine lieblings familie!  Ich liebe euch, das es ganz sicher!  This week was a great week!  I have to start off by saying again how much I love familieheimabend (FHE) every week with "M" and his mother.  Every week we pretty much do the same thing: talk, eat some delicious German food, sing hymns, Oma loves hymns (his mom), read a spiritual thought, then EVERYTIME we must play Skip-bo.  I love them so much and am sure going to miss them if I ever leave Pforzheim.  
As you know last week was a little harder, we only were able to have 2 lessons last week.  So I was destined to try and make this week an action packed GREAT WEEK.  
The end of last week I sat down and went through the 'area book' for at least 3 hours, maybe even longer, searching and reading about former investigators and their stories.  I then made a list of all these people who we could stop by within the next few weeks.  Elder Peterson told me the thing that makes him most happy on the mission and lifts his spirits is teaching lessons.  SO LET US TEACH LESSONS.  The week started out good, Tuesday we were able to have 2 lessons and a sweet member lesson with a family we took the sacrament too.  
On Thursday, you ready for this?  We had not one...not two...but THREE lessons.  And on top of that one less active lesson!  Oh it was so toll, and all the names and lessons we taught were from that list of people I made.  We picked them out together during companion study and then planned out the day!
The next couple days we had a few more lessons and our English class.  Then came Sunday and it was pretty hectic.  We were able to meet with Pres. Senter a little bit about the ward and how we can all work together better on missionary work.  Overall it was a really cool week.  President Miles told me in my interview to really study chapter 9 in Preach My Gospel, so I have been.  Street contacting and 'finding' has been hard these last couple months, so I turned to the Area Book like I said and it was worth it.  Because of the area book we were able to have 12 total lessons this week (that's including joint teaches and less actives)!  That is the most my companion has ever had on his mission!  On top of that we found 6 new investigators (potential) this week too!  We also scheduled 3 lessons for next week already. Needless to say this week went by really fast!  I'm excited to make this week better than the last!  I really appreciated Mom's quote last week about making the opportunities and not waiting.  BE STRONG.
I wanted to mention one of the new people we met with - Brother "G" he is 22 years old and we found him from the Area Book.  The Sisters had met with him a little before.  He was really cool and we had a sweet lesson with him on Saturday in the park on a bench.  He asked a lot of good questions and his main struggle is the subject of Faith.  Anyways we had a really cool lesson with him and I can tell we are going to become good friends.
This mission is really hard, and number wise it's maybe not "successful" some could say, but I know we are making a difference.  I love these people so much!  Gosh they are all in my dreams every night, REALLY!  I just care so much for all of them and want the best for all of them.  I love you all and hope you have a great week!  Thanks again for all your support and love.  Consider yourself all very BLESSED for being born into this blessing-filled life of having the gospel of our Savior!  Love you and carry on.
LG - Elder Jensen"

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