Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The real WARD

January 20, 2014

"Hallo Family
Well this week is over and I wish I could tell you something crazy happened or we had a whole lot of lessons, but I can't.  But it's okay because we were working our hardest and I enjoyed this last week, I really did.  
Monday we spent some time in Stuttgart, which was good.
Tuesday we didn't have distrikt meeting like we usually do, but we went by Sister "E's" brother and sister (last time we met with her she gave us their information and told us to go by them).  They both ended up not being home, so we left them a note and will hopefully be able to stop by again.  It's always a gamble trying to just "stop" by peoples houses and it usually takes up a HUGE chunk of your day getting there and trying to find their place.
On Wednesday we began our Tausch (splits) with the Heilbronn Elders.  I ended up staying in Pforzheim with Elder Graver.  We didn't really have any lessons planned so we went by a lot of people.  We went by the Selifi brothers that I mentioned last week - the older brother being the less active.  It was cool, we made contact with them but he was busy so he gave me his phone number and he took ours and said he would call us later.  He just called us like 5 minutes ago!  So cool, because usually when people say they are going to call us, sadly they don't.  But he did!  I just talked to him and he was really nice and said he had some time on Friday (this is the older brother-less active).
The next day, Thursday we met with the Weichelts family (the single mom that's a new member with the 3 daughters).  We taught them the family mission plan, and yes the little girl remembered me, haha.  Afterwards we played a few games!
On Friday we had a really good weekly planning, and then that night we went to Little Texas for dinner.  I love it because it feels like America.  Elder Peterson and I ordered a huge country platter!  So good!  
Saturday we didn't have anything planned, but we had written down a bunch of names before that we could go by.  It ended up being good and we delivered a french Book of Mormon to a french speaking lady.  That day we stopped by a lot of other people too, some former investigators and some less actives.
Sunday we met in Stuttgart with the Stuttgart ward.  It was so cool because it was a "real" ward!  Stuttgart has a really nice church building with a chapel and about 150 members, with families and a couple deacons and such.  It's been so long since I've been in an actual ward, I have forgotten how it feels.  The Weichelts family was there too and the little girl was so surprised to see us, she came running up the aisle to sit next to us.  Church was fun with that big of a ward.  Later that night we were able to have two really cool lessons.  One with this cool guy who lives on our street and we talked to him the other week, he is from Poland.  It was our first time "meeting" with him and he was really nice.  He told us how he talked to his neighbor about the mormon church and how he had been given the Book of Mormon (which we had given to him when we first saw him).  His neighbor said he wanted a Russian one, so that was cool!  We got a referral from a potential investigator then - who is now a new investigator!  A little confusing, sorry.  That night we met with Sister "E" about our church and family history.  She was interested in that, and hopefully we can go with her and a member to a family history center in Stuttgart.  That would be cool.
Overall we didn't have a very successful week number wise, but all that matters is that we are doing all that we can to make a difference in peoples lives and help them.  I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Liebe Große,
Elder Jensen"

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