Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Great Week!

January 13, 2014

Overall it was a great week this week, I'm excited to stay!  We started the week out early, making calls and people calling us.  After we found out we were staying we had contact with people we hadn't seen or heard from for the last 3 transfers so that was really cool.  
On Wednesday we finally met with "T.S." and his non-member wife.  They were so nice and it was a really good lesson!  They have a three year old son who speaks both German and English, it was just way cool seeing a happy young family - it's been awhile since I've seen one. We tried meeting with a guy we found last week, we originally met with him by trying to go by his older brother who is actually a member (less active), but he wasn't there.  So this time we went by and the older brother was there and we had a sweet lesson with him and got to know him.  He is really cool and so nice.
Saturday early morning we had interviews with President in Stuttgart.  Along with interviews we have "distrikstversamlung" with Sister Miles.  I love the Miles and really appreciate them.  I enjoyed this interview a lot because I was more myself and not so nervous.  That evening we went and saw Sister "E" and gave her a short lesson.  The last time we saw her, I gave her a General Konferenz talk from 2012 from President Monson to read and ponder, and she insured us she did and it helped her find some answers she had been looking and searching for.  After the lesson she showed us some pictures of her family and told us to go by her sister and son who live nearby.  It was out of nowhere and surprising but we were excited to hear that, so we are going to see them.
The highlight of the week was definitely Sunday.  Sunday was branch conference and we had about 50 people in our little branch.  We filled up the whole little room we meet in!  There was lots of people there from the Stuttgart stake.  The Weichelts family was there! (She is the mom with the 3 daughters and is a new member).  It was a really good meeting and after church we had Gemeinde essen with everyone there.  I was talking to someone and the youngest little girl (Weichelt's daughter) came running up to me laughing and hugged my leg!  She would not leave my side, haha, and was literally my little shadow.  It's been so long since I've seen little kids or had kids at church.  She kept telling her family that she found a new best friend and she wanted to be like me.  She was awesome - it reminded me of back home with my niece and nephews.  We had two people bring friends to church on Sunday too!
I feel like I am leaving out a bunch of stuff, but it's hard to explain all the sweet things that can happen on a mission.  The work here is hard at times, it's just important to remember we are here to make a difference in peoples lives - and if they aren't quite ready to accept the gospel, we can still have a positive impact on them one way or another.  Love you all, love hearing about all my friends and their success, it's really cool! 
Liebe Große
Elder Jensen"

 District Conf. and interview with President Miles
This is where District conf. meetings were held

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