Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Neu Distrikt

December 9, 2013

"Halo Familie, 
So this week was a little slower, the missionary work always seems to get a little harder and slower during the winter.  It's as if the people change with the weather…we only had two lessons this week, but we had a whopping three joint teaches!!!  KRASS!
Tuesday was our first distriktsversamlung with our neu distrikt (new district).  The district is REALLY young, my companion doubles everyone in missionary age.  I went on a tausch with Elder Graver in Heilbron, we were in the same MTC group so it was nice to catch up with him.
Wednesday we had an amazing joint teach with Sister "E" and President Setner.  It was really cool and  President connected with her and got a long great.  We talked about modern day prophets and read a talk from the Liahona and Sister "E" loved it!  We tried to tie in the Word of Wisdom too.
Thursday we had a dinner appointment with the Wengarts, which was cool and we got to sit and visit a little. 
Friday we had sprachkurse in the morning, we talked about family traditions during the holiday season.  Later that day one of our lessons got cancelled so we went out "finding" in the freezing cold, really cold wind and then it started snowing too!
On Saturday we had weekly planning and then we went out to stop by peoples places during the day.  That night we ate at the Mittlealt market and watched a fire dancer and an old Mittlealt band, it was really cool and they are all dressed up.
Sunday was busy!  We were in charge of teaching Priesthood the first hour, then we had an investigator class the second hour and then Elder Peterson and I gave a talk the third hour in sacrament.  When you have a small and older ward you end up giving a lot of talks.  After church we had choir practice (haha).  On the way home from church we were riding the bus and two ward members started talking to this lady that sat next to them and they introduced us as missionaries from our church.  Member work is amazing!  It's definitely different than member work back in the states.
I hope you are enjoying this Adwentszeit, a member planned out our Christmas so that's really cool.  Christmas Eve we are at the Setners house, Christmas day we are at an older couples house and then 2nd Christmas (yes Deutschland has a second Christmas on the 26) we are at the Wengarts.  I love you  and hope you're enjoying the holiday season.  Just know I am doing more than fine and I love it here, I'm trying to make the most of my mission because it really goes too fast - I can already tell.
Liebe Elder Jensen"
Middle-ages Market

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